Tom Olohan
MRC Free Speech America & MRC Business Staff Writer

Tom Olohan joined the Media Research Center as a Staff Writer for MRC Free Speech America and MRC Business in April 2023. Previously Tom worked for America Rising as a Field Researcher and Media Monitoring Associate and interned with Heritage Action and AIPAC.  He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2016 before graduating from Boston College in 2018 with an M.A. in Political Philosophy. 

Tom Olohan | January 5, 2024

President Joe Biden came in for some heavy criticism when a green project his administration bragged about sank beneath the waves. At least two Fox News hosts and a president of a pro-energy company.

Fox and Friends co-host Brian…

Tom Olohan | January 5, 2024

Fox News host Jesse Watters ripped apart the Associated Press (AP) for accepting funding from eco-extremist donors while still painting itself as an impartial news service.

Watters tore into the AP for accepting funding from leftist…

Tom Olohan | January 5, 2024

The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh called out Disney’s continued embrace of woke ideology despite a series of brutal and humiliating losses in 2022 and 2023.

Walsh slammed Disney’s recent decision to hire a woke “feminist journalist” to make…

Tom Olohan | January 3, 2024

Hours after Harvard’s president resigned over plagiarism and campus anti-Semitism accusations, a liberal Harvard donor acknowledged the leftist ideology behind the recent explosion in campus antisemitism.

Billionaire hedge-fund manager…

Tom Olohan | January 2, 2024

Former EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler lit up President Joe Biden for pushing draconian electric vehicle mandates on the American people while presiding over a disastrous rollout of supporting infrastructure. 

During a Dec. 30 Fox…

Tom Olohan | December 29, 2023

Independent journalist Tucker Carlson tore into IBM CEO Arvind Krishna for promoting racism in pay and hiring at his company. 

Carlson called out Krishna for supporting “racial fascism” on the Dec. 28 edition of his show after…