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Sean Long
Sean Long | January 16, 2014

Climate alarmists seem willing to bear everything to promote their end-of-the-world hysteria. Now, one activist is willing to bare it, as well - stripping while dressed as a polar bear.

The left-wing eco-site Grist published an…

Sean Long | December 5, 2013

Climate alarmists, though dismissing skeptics as anti-science, consistently cherry pick evidence to promote their ideology. They highlight Hurricane Sandy, but dismiss the massive cold front striking America as an anomaly.

Severe Arctic…

Sean Long | December 5, 2013

CNN founder Ted Turner has a long history of paranoia when it comes to human extinction and global destruction. He remains a zealous supporter of population reduction.

Ted Turner opened up to Fortune Magazine’s senior…

Sean Long | November 25, 2013

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) warns sports stadiums are at risk from the "sea level rise effects of climate change," and that climate change specifically threatens hockey and skiing.

"We see significant sports facilities, the palaces of…

Sean Long | November 21, 2013

A group of Hollywood liberals are once again attacking natural gas drilling, commonly known as fracking.

A wealthy band of actors including eco-activist Daryl Hannah created a video demanding a ban on fracking, which The…

Sean Long | November 21, 2013

Climate change alarmists have turned to recruiting sports leagues to promote eco-hysteria. Democrats in Congress are calling on the major sports leagues to promote climate change regulation and to answer what they are doing to limit greenhouse…