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Sean Long
Sean Long | June 26, 2014

After downplaying bad economic news for months, the broadcast networks continued their head-in-the-sand approach once again.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) revised earlier growth estimates sharply downwards. It…

Sean Long | June 23, 2014

MSNBC “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski piled on to left-wing media attacks against Walmart on June 23, and rejected a fellow journalist’s explanation of how economics works.

The New York Times’ liberal columnist…

Sean Long | May 30, 2014

Two out of three networks spurned the downgrade of GDP into negative territory on May 29 and 30.

Of the ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news shows, only CBS “Evening News” mentioned that the already weak first-…

Sean Long | May 22, 2014

Failing to provide historical context, The New York Times used Alaska’s Muir Glacier as “evidence” for global warming without mentioning that it has been melting since at least the 1700s.

On May 19, Kenneth Chang of The…

Sean Long | May 20, 2014

When the federal government fearmongers over climate change, you can expect a collective media gasp. But not when alarmists are accused of pressuring and attacking skeptical scientists.

Meteorologist Lennart Bengtsson…

Sean Long | May 8, 2014

Sometimes the truth is much sweeter than the syrupy environmentalism of the national media.

While hyping the alleged effects on climate change, NBC’s May 6 “Nightly News” tried to localize the impact by citing a different problem in each…