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Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson | June 17, 2011

Once again, a national news outlet has sided with borrowers against lenders. This time it was CBS "Evening News" which interviewed families going into "strategic default" on June 16.CBS defined those terms as a practice in which "people with…

Paul Wilson | June 9, 2011

The liberal news media have long blamed tax cuts for deficit, rather than blaming government spending. CNN's senior writer, Jeanne Sahadi, repeated this worn out meme again on June 8.Sahadi's piece cited 'two factors' that caused…

Paul Wilson | June 3, 2011

Add frequent cell phone usage to the long list of things that can give you cancer, according to the news media. CNN in particular has been reporting possible connections between cell phones and cancer for years.

But on "Newsroom" May 31,…