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Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson | July 25, 2018
Humans despoiling the planet is a common liberal Hollywood trope for movies. Comic-Con 2018 just delivered two new trailers with environmentalist themes including a monster movie that calls humans “the infection.” The annual San…
Paul Wilson | July 19, 2018
Tech giant Google will help the United Nations track climate change data by sharing information from its environmental satellites. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) announced July 16, that it was working with Google to create a…
Paul Wilson | July 11, 2018
“Bugs are coming soon to your dinner table,” so says Bloomberg. That cringeworthy claim was just Bloomberg media’s latest effort promoting insect consumption to Americans who would probably rather grab a burger and fries.
Paul Wilson | June 29, 2018
Progressive radio host Thom Hartmann has some advice for impeachment crusader Tom Steyer — buy a radio network. Hartmann wrote on left-wing Salon on June 26, “If liberal billionaires like Tom Steyer want to have a real and lasting…
Paul Wilson, Julia A. Seymour | June 21, 2018
Slacktivism may have reached its final frontier. Video gaming. Grist’s Jesse Nichols touted efforts of University of Washington scientist Dargan Frierson to create climate change video games. The lefty environmental website asked, “…
Paul Wilson | June 7, 2018
How well is the American economy doing these days? Well enough that even some liberal media which are usually Debbie Downers during Republican administrations have been singing its praises. One New York Times writer “ran out of words”…