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Lauren O'Reilly
Lauren O'Reilly | January 19, 2009

Mike Huckabee called Republican supporters of the proposed $825 billion economic stimulus package “spineless” Jan. 17.

The former Arkansas governor and host of the Fox show “Huckabee,” voiced his frustration over this massive spending…

Lauren O'Reilly | January 12, 2009

In 1981, Ronald Reagan announced in his first inaugural address “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

President-elect Barack Obama announced just the opposite on Jan. 8.…

Lauren O'Reilly | January 6, 2009

A potential gas tax increase sparked controversy on “Cavuto on Business” Jan. 3 with a few analysts calling an increase “insane,” while the fill-in host Dagen McDowell and two guests defended such a proposal.


Associated Press…

Lauren O'Reilly | December 8, 2008

     The potential bailout of GM, Ford and Chrysler has been the talk of the news media, so CNN’s “Your $$$$$” brought on three guests with various opinions to discuss the issue Dec. 6.



Lauren O'Reilly | November 25, 2008

     Free market solutions have become a radical suggestion in today’s trend of bloated government intervention.

     Daniel Mitchell, senior fellow at The Cato Institute and a member of the Business…

Lauren O'Reilly | November 18, 2008

     Before the government decides to use $25 billion or more taxpayer dollars to rescue General Motors it would be helpful to understand how the company got into its financial predicament.

