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Lauren O'Reilly
Lauren O'Reilly | March 17, 2009

According to some “Forbes on Fox” guests, the Obama Administration is more harmful to the economy than Bernie Madoff’s infamous Ponzi scheme.

On March 12, Madoff pled guilty to 11 felony counts including money laundering, perjury, and mail…

Lauren O'Reilly | February 24, 2009

“How do you prove, the jobs you’re saving?” Host Neil Cavuto asked this tricky question during the Feb. 21 “Cavuto on Business.” “That would be like me saying if I go from eating 3 cannolis a day to 2 cannolis a day, I will save myself from…

Lauren O'Reilly | February 16, 2009

Instead of praising Wal-Mart for offering less expensive goods to stretched consumers, David Nelson depicted Wal-Mart as a thug on Fox News Channel’s “Cavuto on Business.”

Nelson, DC Nelson Asset Management’s founder, harshly attacked Wal…

Lauren O'Reilly | February 9, 2009

President Obama has resorted to draconian fear tactics in an attempt to shore up support for an enormous stimulus package, but many FOX commentators including Steve Forbes and Ben Stein criticized the bill and Obama’s scaremongering on Feb. 7.…

Lauren O'Reilly | February 2, 2009

If insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, people might want to be wary of the economic stimulus package.

Four analysts were arguing on Fox News Channel’s “Bulls…

Lauren O'Reilly | January 26, 2009

Winston Churchill famously warned that history repeats itself unless people learn from past mistakes. As Congress debates a massive stimulus bill, critics of the stimulus plan warned about that very possibility on Fox News Channel’s “Bulls &…