Ken Shepherd
Former NewsBusters Managing Editor

Ken Shepherd lives in New Carrollton, Md., with his wife, Laura, and four children. Ken graduated cum laude from the University of Maryland in 2001 with a Bachelors of Arts in Government & Politics and a citation in Public Leadership. 

Ken worked for the Media Research Center from May 2001 to April 2016. He served as NewsBusters Managing Editor from 2007 until April 2016. Currently, he serves as "a universal-desk editor and digital writer" for The Washington Times.

In his spare time, Ken enjoys karaoke, tennis, reading, and discussing theology or politics.

Ken Shepherd | December 12, 2006

    To The New York Times, balanced reporting on global warming is just a matter of how better to run up your cost of living: higher taxes or more regulation.

     Finding “a surge in support in business and politics for cutting…

Ken Shepherd | December 12, 2006

    “Hungry? Watch out, food in America is becoming increasingly suspect,” warned Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly as he introduced his top story for the December 11 “O’Reilly Factor.”


    But in the…

Ken Shepherd | December 11, 2006

     Those provincial Americans. They just aren’t living in the “real world,” driving those gas-guzzling SUVs!

     Such was the sentiment from Mike Rutherford, a British automotive columnist featured in the December 8 “Free Speech”…

Ken Shepherd | December 8, 2006

     The limited water, food rations and healthy heapings of Marxist propaganda are free. The political indoctrination is priceless.

     In the December 8 New York Times, reporter Marc Lacey gave readers a look at American students…

Ken Shepherd | December 8, 2006

     Journalism according to Lou Dobbs: scoff at your opponent and call him “mindless.”      

     CNN’s Dobbs, a self-described “advocacy journalist” and author of “War on the Middle Class,” did that December 7 to the National…

Ken Shepherd | December 8, 2006

     Does free trade kills jobs and drive Americans to the poor house? Or does it enrich Americans’ lives? A professionally-trained journalist such as CNN’s Lou Dobbs should present both sides of the debate, but he’s too busy…