Ken Shepherd
Former NewsBusters Managing Editor

Ken Shepherd lives in New Carrollton, Md., with his wife, Laura, and four children. Ken graduated cum laude from the University of Maryland in 2001 with a Bachelors of Arts in Government & Politics and a citation in Public Leadership. 

Ken worked for the Media Research Center from May 2001 to April 2016. He served as NewsBusters Managing Editor from 2007 until April 2016. Currently, he serves as "a universal-desk editor and digital writer" for The Washington Times.

In his spare time, Ken enjoys karaoke, tennis, reading, and discussing theology or politics.

Ken Shepherd | November 28, 2006

     American laborers are “going to extremes” working in jobs “where 60 hours a week can be considered part-time, and overtime is an understatement.”


     That’s how ABC anchor Charles…

Ken Shepherd | November 21, 2006

     Further regulating the economy could threaten economic growth, and heavy litigation is an “Achilles heel for our economy,” Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson warned the Economic Club of New York in a November 20 speech. Yet…

Ken Shepherd | November 20, 2006

     As you drive to grandma’s house for Thanksgiving, just keep in mind you’re not paying enough in taxes for those roads you’re driving on.


     That’s the viewpoint Larry Copeland of…

Ken Shepherd | November 20, 2006

     “Just in time for Thanksgiving, turkey prices are up five cents on the pound.”


     Substitute the words “gasoline” for “turkey” and “gallon” for “pound,” and you get NBC and CNN’s…

Ken Shepherd | November 16, 2006

     Cashing in objective reporting for editorial commentary, CNN business reporter Ali Velshi and anchor Miles O’Brien rang in the November 16 edition of  “American Morning” with a few swipes at Wal-Mart Stores (NYSE:…

Ken Shepherd | November 16, 2006

    The same day the federal government opened re-enrollment for a costly drug benefit, Wal-Mart Stores (NYSE: WMT) expanded its $4-generic drug plan and another competitor announced it would offer generic drugs for the same price…