Ken Shepherd
Former NewsBusters Managing Editor

Ken Shepherd lives in New Carrollton, Md., with his wife, Laura, and four children. Ken graduated cum laude from the University of Maryland in 2001 with a Bachelors of Arts in Government & Politics and a citation in Public Leadership. 

Ken worked for the Media Research Center from May 2001 to April 2016. He served as NewsBusters Managing Editor from 2007 until April 2016. Currently, he serves as "a universal-desk editor and digital writer" for The Washington Times.

In his spare time, Ken enjoys karaoke, tennis, reading, and discussing theology or politics.

Ken Shepherd | February 6, 2006
     The media have ignored or downplayed the governments latest jobs report 193,000 new jobs in January and the lowest unemployment rate since July 2001 continuing a trend of misreporting on…
Ken Shepherd | February 3, 2006
     U.S. coal mines have become safer over the past five years while rapidly maintaining productivity and output, according to government statistics. In fact, the U.S. coal industry is 136 million times…
Ken Shepherd | February 3, 2006
     On February 9, the federal government announced that weekly jobless claims hit the lowest average in six years a sign of job growth in a strong economy. That night, none of the network newscasts reported…
Ken Shepherd | February 3, 2006
     A newsworthy sound bite from a rock music idol on a pressing world issue may be just the hook an evening news producer prays for, but it doesnt excuse a lack of balance or thorough reporting. The…
Ken Shepherd | February 2, 2006
     On Groundhog Day this year, newspaper readers may have had a sense of dj vu reading about budget cuts in a narrowly-passed bill which scales back increases in government spending. But instead of a…
Ken Shepherd | January 31, 2006
     Americas largest oil company, Exxon-Mobil (NYSE: XOM) is reporting some jaw-dropping profits tonight, record profits in fact for any American company ever, gasped anchor Brian Williams in…