Ken Shepherd
Former NewsBusters Managing Editor

Ken Shepherd lives in New Carrollton, Md., with his wife, Laura, and four children. Ken graduated cum laude from the University of Maryland in 2001 with a Bachelors of Arts in Government & Politics and a citation in Public Leadership. 

Ken worked for the Media Research Center from May 2001 to April 2016. He served as NewsBusters Managing Editor from 2007 until April 2016. Currently, he serves as "a universal-desk editor and digital writer" for The Washington Times.

In his spare time, Ken enjoys karaoke, tennis, reading, and discussing theology or politics.

Ken Shepherd | February 14, 2006
     CNNs Lou Dobbs has often made the Outsourcing of America a focus of his nightly program, Lou Dobbs Tonight. But on the February 13 edition, Dobbs and reporter Bill Tucker went a step further,…
Ken Shepherd | February 13, 2006
     The weekend before Valentines Day, CNN business reporters showed their infatuation with class warfare as they courted a critic of corporate pay scales. None of the In the Money panelists, however…
Ken Shepherd | February 9, 2006
     In New Hampshire on February 8, President Bush gave a simple lesson journalists could use. He compared slowing spending growth to driving the speed limit, rather than cutting spending, which would…
Ken Shepherd | February 8, 2006
     After nine months of reporters such as NBCs Katie Couric prodding women to eat low-fat diets to prevent breast cancer, a new government study argues the hype was for nothing. Low-fat diets…
Ken Shepherd | February 7, 2006
     Ronald Reagan once famously said that a government bureau is the closest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth. When President Bushs proposed fiscal year 2007 federal budget hit…
Ken Shepherd | February 6, 2006
     The announcement that AT…