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Kelly Brown
Kelly Brown | June 30, 2008

     According to CNN’s Greg Hunter, nice, suburban subdivisions could turn into vandalized, crack houses because of the housing downturn.

     “Well you don’t want to jump into a housing market too and end up buying America’s next…

Kelly Brown | June 27, 2008

     NBC’s “Today” show, ABC’s “Good Morning America,” and CBS’s “The Early Show” greeted viewers with depressing news the morning of June 27 – the stock market is struggling – and more epic comparisons.


Kelly Brown | June 26, 2008

     Credit card companies – not irresponsible borrowers – are to blame for the debt that college students rack up, according to ABC’s “Good Morning America.” Consumer correspondent Elisabeth Leamy reported June 26 that…

Kelly Brown | June 25, 2008

     CBS’s “Early Show” co-host Maggie Rodriguez suggested June 25 that the cure to high gas prices is to have the government subsidize oil. After blaming speculators for the prices, Rodiguez asked, “Given the dire situation…

Kelly Brown | June 23, 2008

     A new house built in Venice, Calif., that is said to emit no harmful gases has everyone talking. That is, if “everyone” means elitist environmentalists with a few celebrities to glam things up. New York Times writer Felicity Barringer…

Kelly Brown | June 19, 2008

     If viewers didn’t get the chance to see Lou Dobbs’ first segment blaming the salmonella response on the ‘moronic’ FDA, they got another chance.

     On June 18, Dobbs, of CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” ran virtually the same segment he…