Joseph Vazquez
MRC Free Speech America & MRC Business Associate Editor

Joseph is the MRC Associate Editor for Business & Free Speech America. He graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in Political Science from The George Washington University in 2018. In June, 2019, he completed an exclusive fellowship with the Hertog Foundation, where he participated in their "Nuclear Strategy and World Order" program. For MRC Business, he oversees projects and media coverage concerning dark money, political spending, economics and finance. In addition, his oversight includes Free Speech America's CensorTrack project, which involves documenting cases of Big Tech bias against conservatives and crafting censorship studies accordingly. His work has been featured on Drudge Report, Fox News, Breitbart, Life News, The Daily Wire, Bongino Report, The Washington Times, Washington Examiner, CBN News, Savage Nation and The Mark Levin Show.

Joseph Vazquez | March 30, 2020

It looks like the millions liberal billionaire George Soros’s Democracy PAC dumped into lefty group Priorities USA’s coffers are paying dividends.

An Advertising Analytics March 21-March 27 “The Week in Review”…

Joseph Vazquez | March 27, 2020

The liberal media seem to be ignoring coverage of communist China’s role in mishandling the coronavirus pandemic. But the media will sometimes praise China as a “global leader.”

Prominent Twitter conservative…

Joseph Vazquez | March 26, 2020

It looks like one big-name businessman isn’t allowing the coronavirus to dim his hopes on America’s economic strength.

The Hillary Clinton supporter, billionaire Shark Tank star and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban stated in…

Joseph Vazquez | March 25, 2020

Looks like eco-extremists in the liberal media aren’t the only ones who’ll use the coronavirus pandemic to push their climate change talking points.

Now, The Washington Post’s self-proclaimed “conservative”…

Joseph Vazquez | March 24, 2020

It looks as though the left will exploit any crisis in order to take a shot at President Donald Trump, and they’re being fueled by liberal billionaire cash.

Liberal billionaire George Soros’ Democracy PAC and liberal…

Joseph Vazquez | March 23, 2020

It looks as though liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg may have had other reasons why he was laying off his presidential campaign staff, and they could be interpreted as just downright cruel.

Bloomberg had reportedly told NY-area…