Joseph Vazquez
MRC Free Speech America & MRC Business Associate Editor

Joseph is the MRC Associate Editor for Business & Free Speech America. He graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in Political Science from The George Washington University in 2018. In June, 2019, he completed an exclusive fellowship with the Hertog Foundation, where he participated in their "Nuclear Strategy and World Order" program. For MRC Business, he oversees projects and media coverage concerning dark money, political spending, economics and finance. In addition, his oversight includes Free Speech America's CensorTrack project, which involves documenting cases of Big Tech bias against conservatives and crafting censorship studies accordingly. His work has been featured on Drudge Report, Fox News, Breitbart, Life News, The Daily Wire, Bongino Report, The Washington Times, Washington Examiner, CBN News, Savage Nation and The Mark Levin Show.

Joseph Vazquez | April 3, 2020

Insufferable New York Times opinion columnist Thomas Friedman is exploiting the pandemic to spew climate change drivel at President Donald Trump.

In an op-ed headlined “With the Coronavirus, It’s Again Trump vs. Mother Nature…

Joseph Vazquez | April 2, 2020
Yesterday was April Fools’ Day. Looks like a prominent liberal business outlet did not get that memo and fell prey to a major climate change prank. MarketWatch ran a story on April Fools’ Day originally headlined “Google will no…
Joseph Vazquez | April 2, 2020

Liberal media outlets were quick to shill for former President Barack Obama’s recent swipes at President Donald Trump.

CNN, USA Today and The Washington Post all pushed liberal spin stories elevating Obama’s tweet, which took…

Joseph Vazquez | April 1, 2020

Liberal media talking heads on Twitter continue to spew garbage at MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for being invited by President Donald Trump to speak at a coronavirus task force briefing.

Conservative Fox News host Greg Gutfeld went nuclear…

Joseph Vazquez | March 31, 2020

Leftists with blue checkmarks on Twitter lost their minds when MyPillow CEO and Trump supporter Mike Lindell spoke about faith and his company’s plans to deal with the coronavirus in the White House Rose Garden.

Liberal MSNBC Anchor…

Joseph Vazquez | March 30, 2020
The New York Times economist blowhard Paul Krugman seems to think communist China is more adept at handling the coronavirus pandemic than the United States.  

Krugman took advantage of the ongoing coronavirus issue to plaster a lazy,…