Joseph Valle
Contributing Writer

Joseph Valle is a rising fourth-year student at the University of Virginia from Ashburn, VA. He is pursuing an Economics major and a Government minor, incorporating his passion of economics and politics together while taking on the news.

Joseph Valle | June 28, 2019

CBS News online provided Democrats ammunition disguised as free advice and “facts” just ahead of their first debate.

Supposedly wondering how the economy is “really doing,” CBS journalists Aimee Picchi, Alain…

Joseph Valle | June 27, 2019

Left-wing Guardian columnist George Monbiot is often unhinged on climate issues. Now he’s blasted Royal Dutch Shell for extracting oil and gas that “will destroy our lives” and calling it a “planetary death machine.…

Joseph Valle | June 26, 2019

Washington Post economic editorial writer Charles Lane called out proponents of socialism citing Nordic countries as a “model” for the kind of socialism they want to see replicated by America.

Because, while they are “…

Joseph Valle | June 24, 2019

When the left conducts polls, it’s not surprising to see how they can manipulate questions to obtain their desired results.

Atlantic staff writer Robinson Meyer on June 21 gushed how the Democratic Party has “become more…

Joseph Valle | June 20, 2019

President Donald Trump infuriated the left again on June 19, when he awarded supply-side economist Arthur Laffer the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

The left’s reaction was predictably vicious. An MSNBC analyst called Laffer one of…

Joseph Valle | June 20, 2019

One of the left’s favorite economic talking points is an obsession with income and “wealth inequality.”

In keeping with that trend, CNBC editor-at-large John Harwood offered five approaches to “fight” wealth…