Joseph Valle
Contributing Writer

Joseph Valle is a rising fourth-year student at the University of Virginia from Ashburn, VA. He is pursuing an Economics major and a Government minor, incorporating his passion of economics and politics together while taking on the news.

Joseph Valle | July 9, 2019

CNBC editor-at-large John Harwood didn’t just interview 2020 Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke about the economy July 5. He literally asked questions while eating Mexican food with the candidate. That jovial setting was perfect for…

Joseph Valle | July 8, 2019

Back to the Future is a classic film trilogy, and actor Christopher Lloyd would love to make a fourth movie as Dr. Emmett ‘Doc’ Brown about an issue like climate change.

SlashFilm senior writer Ben Pearson wrote July 7 …

Joseph Valle | July 3, 2019

The left have cheered Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) rise in the polls after the Democrat debates. Now they have pronounced her Wall Street’s choice for the 2020 presidential election.

Bloomberg reporters Lananh Nguyen and Tyler Pager on…

Joseph Valle | July 2, 2019

The U.S. officially entered its longest economic expansion ever July 1, boasting 121 straight months without a recession beginning in June 2009. This broke the previous record stretching from March 1991 to March 2001. 


Joseph Valle | July 1, 2019

Fox Business anchor Dagen McDowell happily announced that the U.S. entered a record-setting 10 years of economic expansion July 1.

“You have more than 70 percent of people think the economy is good if not great,” she declared…

Joseph Valle | June 28, 2019

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon thinks President Donald Trump deserves “some” credit for the strong economy and that tax reform needed to happen, even though his “liberal New York friends would never agree.”
