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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | February 16, 2009

So much for the end of the politics of fear, especially when it comes to the hot-button issues of the day.

Former President Bill Clinton appeared in an interview with Ann Curry on NBC’s Feb. 16 “Today.” Curry asked him if the greatest…

Jeff Poor | February 13, 2009

Remember how the $789 billion stimulus package and the banking bailout under the direction of Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner were supposed to restore confidence to the economy? Think again.


As the Dow Jones Industrial Average…

Jeff Poor | February 13, 2009

 Everything is wonderful and peachy-keen in Obamaland if you rely on the reporting on the front page of The New York Times. Just ask CNBC’s Jim Cramer. On his Feb. 12 program the “Mad Money” host dealt with the $789 billion stimulus package.…

Jeff Poor | February 12, 2009

A prominent Democrat made news on MSNBC Feb. 11 with his guarantee of new financial industry regulations “comparable” to FDR’s New Deal.

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., appeared on MSNBC’s “Rachel…

Jeff Poor | February 12, 2009

How could anyone take a principled stand against the $789 billion economic stimulus bill? Any opposition to this massive expansion of the federal government must be sheer political posturing. Or so said Newsweek magazine’s Jonathan Alter.

Jeff Poor | February 11, 2009

Despite his tax problems, President Barack Obama’s newly minted Treasury secretary, Tim Geithner, was sold to Congress as the one who was going to save the fragile financial system.


However, in what was billed to be a big…