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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | April 23, 2009

“NBC Nightly News” has found another populist cause for President Barack Obama to champion – banks passing along higher costs to issue credit to borrowers instead of bearing the brunt themselves.


An April 22 “Nightly News”…

Jeff Poor | April 23, 2009

The same left-wing groups (like ACORN) who complained that bailout companies shouldn’t be awarding bonuses to their executives, might be getting their hands on some of the bailout money according to one senator.

CNBC’s Larry Kudlow asked…

Jeff Poor | April 23, 2009

It just wouldn’t be Earth Day without a catastrophic global warming segment from the network news, so ABC correspondent Bill Blakemore delivered just that April 22.

Blakemore warned viewers of “World News with Charles Gibson” that…

Jeff Poor | April 20, 2009

It must be hard to keep a straight face when you report that the President of United States going to cut $100 million from a $3.5 trillion budget and then say he is serious about cutting government spending.

But somehow, CNN…

Jeff Poor | April 20, 2009

He may have toned down his rancor toward the policies of President Barack Obama, but CNBC “Mad Money” host showed viewers he’s still capable of an outburst at a moment’s notice – even when no one could see it coming.


On CNBC’s…

Jeff Poor | April 18, 2009

It was Fox News against the world about tea party coverage, but CNN “Lou Dobbs Tonight” host showed he’s just as disgusted with some of the coverage as many conservatives are.


Dobbs, on his April 17 radio program, criticized…