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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | May 19, 2009

Unlike hosts at MSNBC and other liberal bastions of media, CNN’s Anderson Cooper claimed his use of the “teabagging” double entendre wasn’t intentional a little over a month after the fact.


Cooper, speaking at UCLA’s Daniel…

Jeff Poor | May 15, 2009

First it was CBS’s “60 Minutes” laying the groundwork to push a campaign against Chevron for an ill-advised lawsuit. Now The New York Times has picked up where they left off.


An article in the May 15 Times attacked Chevron for…

Jeff Poor | May 14, 2009

The casual observer might have been somewhat skeptical of the massive $787-billion stimulus bill passed earlier this year by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama. However, one media outlet is dispelling those doubts –…

Jeff Poor | May 13, 2009

It has a lot of proponents, both liberal and libertarian. But would the legalization of marijuana for the purpose of creating a new revenue stream for government be a good thing?


According to CNBC “The Kudlow Report” host…

Jeff Poor | May 12, 2009

The food police are at it again – attacking the restaurant industry under the premise the general public is too ignorant to determine what is healthy and what isn’t.

On May 11, both the “NBC Nightly News” and ABC’s “World News with Charles…

Jeff Poor | May 8, 2009

With much fanfare, President Barack Obama rolled out his intentions to cut $17 billion from the federal budget on May 7. But despite the spinmeisters, not everyone was buying it.

“The White House today played up its proposed cuts to the…