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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | October 22, 2007

     “Hugo Chávez: Friend or Foe?”  Sounds like a dumb question about a dictator who has seized U.S. businesses and called the U.S. president "the devil." But Parade Magazine teased that notion on its October 21…

Jeff Poor | October 19, 2007

     There are some eerie similarities between Oct. 19, 1987 and today: saber-rattling by the Iranians, a two-term Republican president nearing the end of his term and a network television news media voicing warnings of doom…

Jeff Poor | October 18, 2007

     Perception is important, but when it comes to economic issues, perception isn’t necessarily reality – unless you’re CNN Senior Business Correspondent Ali Velshi. Then perception supersedes factual definitions.

Jeff Poor | October 18, 2007

     Even “NBC Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams called it “this growing war on bottled water” in a promo and he was right on with his assessment.


     In recent months, ABC, CBS, NBC…

Jeff Poor | October 18, 2007

     CBS Investigative Correspondent Armen Keteyian stacked the deck against four military food-supply contractors in a “Follow the Money” segment on the October 17 “CBS Evening News.”



Jeff Poor | October 16, 2007

     ABC and CBS admit Social Security is in trouble, but why can’t the left?


     “In 10 years time, Social Security will be paying out more in benefits than it takes in taxes and about…