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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | October 31, 2007

     Investing in the stock market is fine if you’re putting money into it, but when you’re profit-taking – that’s when CBS will come after you.


     Angelo Mozilo, CEO of Countrywide (…

Jeff Poor | October 30, 2007

     It’s an attention-getting statement: multibillionaire Warren Buffett doesn’t think the rich pay enough in taxes.


    “[B]uffett sees a fundamental injustice that he says touches all Americans…

Jeff Poor | October 30, 2007

     You know troubled times are looming if Hillary Clinton is elected president when even the once-top aide to the former liberal Democratic Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill and MSNBC “Hardball” anchor Chris Matthews says so.


Jeff Poor | October 29, 2007

     It’s a good thing CBS News Correspondent Randall Pinkston isn’t a financial advisor, at least in the short-term.


     If you watched his report about the likely ousting of Merrill…

Jeff Poor | October 29, 2007

     Even though NBC’s “Today” crew is fretting over the effects of climate change and the price of oil, exceeding $90 a barrel – that isn’t stopping them from traveling to the “ends of the earth” in the name of climate change…

Jeff Poor | October 26, 2007

     CNN is taking a page straight out of its “attack the insurance company” playbook from Hurricane Katrina, except this time they’re starting early.


     “American Morning”…