Gabriela Pariseau
MRC Free Speech America Associate Editor

Gabriela is an Associate Editor Media Research Center's Free Speech America division. She is a graduate of Christendom College where she earned a B.A. in History. Gabriela's work has also been featured in The Washington Times, New York Post, The Catholic Register, The Catholic Herald, Students For Life of America and Iowa Right to Life.

Gabriela Pariseau | August 4, 2021

Twitter announced that it is teaming up with liberal news and fact-checking sites The Associated Press (AP) and Reuters to censor content by adding what the platform is calling “reliable context” to trending news.

Gabriela Pariseau | August 2, 2021

The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police said it was “flabbergasted” after Facebook rejected an ad recognizing its Officer of the Year award recipient, according to the organization. 

Gabriela Pariseau | July 23, 2021

YouTube applied its so-called “medical misinformation” policy more broadly than ever when the platform removed and then later restored content criticizing laws allowing 11-year-olds to be vaccinated without parental consent.

Gabriela Pariseau | July 13, 2021

CloutHub Founder and CEO Jeff Brain announced in a recent press release that his alternative social media platform will now be free from Big Tech’s web hosting services.

Gabriela Pariseau | June 28, 2021

Americans may have thought that physical marketplaces were safe from Big Tech surveillance. But Amazon is now tracking consumers as they shop at offline markets too.

Gabriela Pariseau | June 21, 2021

Bret Weinstein, host of the DarkHorse Podcast, told MRC Free Speech America that “[S]omething has gone wrong inside of these tech platforms and it is putting us all in jeopardy.”