Gabriela Pariseau
MRC Free Speech America Assistant Editor

Gabriela is an Assistant Editor Media Research Center's Free Speech America division. She is a graduate of Christendom College where she earned a B.A. in History. Gabriela has also contributed to The Catholic Register, The Catholic Herald, Students For Life of America and Iowa Right to Life.

YouTube has updated its policies to restrict certain kinds of supposed misinformation about abortion, as pro-abortion pressure on tech companies continues.

YouTube will now remove content around the world that supposedly “‘promotes or…


America is increasingly outraged by the manner in which radical Big Tech leftists are censoring conservative and Christian leaders and organizations on nearly every major social media platform. 

But what is the…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 15, 2022

What do the words “God Bless America,” “Spam” and “Discrimination” have in common? One might think the answer is “absolutely nothing,” but not so on the Nextdoor app.

Nextdoor is a social media app designed to help users connect with…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 12, 2022

Twitter censors conservatives who dare challenge the leftist agenda, but leftist activists can attempt to intimidate federal officials and Twitter won’t bat an eyelash. 

“ShutDownDC,” a group known for organizing harassment campaigns…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 8, 2022

Twitter “temporarily ‘permanently suspended’” Breaking911’s news account for “ban evasion,” according to screenshots tweeted by the news outlet. But Breaking911 said it’s never been banned before.

Breaking911 tweeted that Twitter “…

Twitter gave 12 Rules for Life author and new Daily Wire+ host Jordan Peterson 12 hours in Twitter jail after he mildly criticized the pride movement and reminded the world of “transgender” actor Elliot Page’s given name.

“Remember when…