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Craig Bannister
Contributing Writer

Craig Bannister is an blog editor for

Craig Bannister | December 15, 2022

“Big Tech is out to get conservatives, and is increasingly willing to undermine First Amendment values by complying with the Biden Administration’s directives that suppress freedom of speech online,” incoming House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jim…

Craig Bannister | December 14, 2022

Three-fourths all U.S. likely voters think that social media companies like Facebook are censoring content because of political bias, and three-fourths of Democrat voters agree, but Democrats are much less likely to want Congress to do anything…

Craig Bannister | December 7, 2022

After new Twitter owner Elon Musk released Friday the first batch of tweets showing that Democrats had called on the giant social media platform to suppress opposition posts, conservative actor James Woods told Musk he’d gladly be a plaintiff in…

Craig Bannister | October 18, 2022

Two-thirds of the nation’s voters disapprove of Big Tech’s censorship of politically-related posts prior to next month’s midterm elections, a new national survey reveals.

A national opinion survey, conducted October 4-11, 2022 for The…

Craig Bannister | October 5, 2022

Following Tuesday’s news that billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk’s original offer to buy Twitter had been accepted by both parties to the deal, prominent conservatives began tweeting complaints that they had suddenly lost thousands of…

Craig Bannister | August 9, 2022

Americans overwhelming doubt that Democrats’ $740 billion “Inflation Reduction Act” will actually do what its title promises – including four of five self-described Democrats – results of a new YouGov survey of U.S. citizens reveal.…