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Craig Bannister
Contributing Writer

Craig Bannister is an blog editor for

Craig Bannister | February 28, 2023

“The entire ESG scheme is designed to funnel your retirement money to the maniacs on the radical left,” Former President Donald Trump warns in a new video denouncing new Biden Administration rules allowing asset managers to invest in…

Craig Bannister | February 20, 2023

A global asset management corporation handling total portfolio funds in excess of nine hundred billion dollars is now bribing its employees to make investment decisions that subordinate profit maximization to the advancement of environmental,…

Craig Bannister | February 17, 2023

From Disney to the NFL, a growing number of U.S. businesses are becoming public political activists – but, that’s not what most consumers who vote want, a new national survey reveals.

A poll of 1,092 likely general election voters,…

Craig Bannister | February 15, 2023

ESG isn’t just bad for your pension and retirement accounts, it’s also a way for liberal elites to circumvent the Constitution and rob the American people of their ability to govern their country, Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis warned…

Craig Bannister | February 13, 2023

Asset managers are using Americans’ own money against them to impose leftist environmental, social and governance (ESG) ideology on them, at the expense of their pension fund and personal retirement account values, former Carl’s Jr. CEO Andy…

Craig Bannister | February 10, 2023

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen is demanding that the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) return all of the state’s funds currently being invested by NAAG.

Knudsen, who has left NAAG, threatened legal action if the…