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BMI Staff
BMI Staff | April 1, 2009
Liberals Complain, CNBC Caves In Given the state of the economy, financial networks have come under increasing scrutiny. CNBC specifically has been attacked for its pro…
BMI Staff | March 25, 2009
Despite Calls for Resignation, Media Support Geithner Congressmen and Senators have already called for the Treasury Secretarys resignation or firing because of A.I.G.…
BMI Staff | March 11, 2009
Like a Mama Bear, Networks Protect Obama from His Down Market Stock market reports ignore president's influence or defend him against criticism, but give credit for March 4, Election…
BMI Staff | March 4, 2009
Media Myth: Networks Stick to Warming Theme Despite Avalanche of Chilling News Its cold outside. Just ask residents from Florida to New England and they will tell you its…
BMI Staff | February 25, 2009
Nationalization: It's Not Just For Communists Anymore The word nationalization used to be a dirty word one synonymous with authoritarian regimes. Now politicians threaten to nationalize…