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BMI Staff
BMI Staff | May 20, 2009

Broadcast Networks 'Hail' Obama Auto Fuel Efficiency Standards In the name of fuel efficiency, the networks favored federal intervention and ignored critics of Obamas new…

BMI Staff | May 13, 2009

Networks Tell One Side of Health Care Story: Obama's Reports on president's meeting with health care industry and assume the need for government-run 'reform' and leave out critics as…

BMI Staff | May 6, 2009

Media Deride Tax Haven 'Cheats' and 'Loopholes;' Ignore Benefits When Obama announced his tax reform plan on May 4 the news media rapidly embraced his terms (crackdown, loophole, scam),…

BMI Staff | April 29, 2009

Media Latch on to Swine Flu 'Pandemic' The national news media served up hype with scary comparisons to the 1918 flu epidemic with a side of unanswered questions in the…

BMI Staff | April 16, 2009
National Media Dismiss, Disparage and Attack Tax Day Tea Parties Three networks and CNN ignore populist storm until tax day; blast FOX and repeat left-wing claims of 'AstroTurf' in same-…
BMI Staff | April 8, 2009
Tax 'Cuts,' Tax Hikes, Media Back Obama Either Way Cable and network news applaud Obama's stimulus bill for 'tax breaks,' but barely explain president's proposed tax hikes in the…