Free Speech

Alexander Hall | March 23, 2020

If liberal fact-checker Lead Stories finds a fact that's inconvenient, it just ignores it.

Lead Stories, one of Facebook’s official third-party fact-checkers, failed to fact-check the contentious Democratic debate between former…

Corinne Weaver | March 23, 2020

Facebook currently relies on nine fact-checking organizations in the United States to help the platform “reduce” and “remove” problematic content. However, many of the people the company has put in charge of suppressing…

Alexander Hall | March 20, 2020

Wikipedia contributors have waged a fierce debate over whether they should change the name of diseases to be more PC as the virus from Wuhan, China reaches across the world.

Wikipedia is debating whether history itself needs to be changed…

Alexander Hall | March 19, 2020

Good news: Big Tech’s bots have not completely replaced tech workers yet. Bad news: The Big Tech bots were unprepared for the coronavirus pandemic.

Big Tech companies are struggling to properly moderate their platforms during this…

Alexander Hall | March 19, 2020

Big Tech is undergoing radical reforms amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and Twitter is letting users know that as bot programs temporarily replace human workers, their platform is in for a bumpy ride.

Twitter announced that “we’re…

Michael Morris | March 17, 2020

A new report is urging Congress mandate greater transparency from Big Tech, not a Section 230 overhaul.

But will that be enough to protect conservative free speech online?

Ranking Digital Rights (RDR) released a report Tuesday…

Alexander Hall | March 16, 2020

Twitter allegedly censored at least one journalist for theorizing on the COVID-19 virus’s origins, but Chinese officials appear to be an exception when pointing a finger at America.

Spokesperson & Deputy Director General,…

Alexander Hall | March 13, 2020

‘Boomer Remover’ was trending on Twitter with over 71.1k tweets, and it just may make you want to quarantine yourself from the internet for a while.

The phrase “Boomer Remover” was one of the top trends on the…

Alexander Hall | March 12, 2020

The deputy editor for a popular tech outlet says she has just the solution for improving the coronavirus response: President “Donald Trump should resign.”

No, really. That’s in the headline of a piece by The Verge.…

Alexander Hall | March 12, 2020

A project launched by Vox Media, the parent company of the outlet (Vox) that gave us Carlos Maza and a constant stream of loony leftism, is now being backed by Google.

The Google News Initiative program will invest an estimated sum upward…

Alexander Hall | March 11, 2020

The Department of Justice has asked an important question about Section 230: Is the rule that helped shape the internet as we know it due for an update?

Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen gave a speech about possible changes to…

Alexander Hall | March 11, 2020

How much does the Washington, D.C. think tank establishment hate President Donald Trump? Apparently enough to question if the president dying to a disease would be “poetic justice.”

Berin Szóka, president of Big Tech policy…

Alexander Hall | March 11, 2020

Twitter has reportedly censored the journalist who exposed YouTube’s favorite champagne socialist. 

YouTuber Carlos Maza, whom The New York Times has described as a “New York-based socialist,” has told his viewers…

Alexander Hall | March 10, 2020

Facebook labeled a video shared by President Donald Trump of former VP Joe Biden stammering as “partly false information” after the Joe Biden campaign and liberal media condemned the platform.

Former Vice President Biden was…

Alexander Hall | March 9, 2020

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blasted Facebook for enabling disinformation while using the mainstream liberal media to misinform viewers.

Clinton condemned Facebook, claiming the platform “aided and abetted…

Alexander Hall | March 9, 2020

An embarrassing clip of Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden stammering during a speech has been spun by liberal media as “manipulated media.”

Former Vice President Biden was caught on video seemingly endorsing…

Alexander Hall | March 6, 2020

Twitter has once again expanded its idea of “hateful conduct.” Wouldn’t it be easier for Twitter to let people know what handful of jokes are still okay in the current year?

Twitter’s company blog announced the…

Alexander Hall | March 6, 2020

A liberal journalist blasted Facebook until it removed certain Trump campaign ads as the 2020 Census approaches.

Founding Editor-in-Chief of the now defunct outlet Think Progress Judd Legum scorched Facebook for “running more than 1…

Alexander Hall | March 5, 2020

As if the Big Tech video game industry wasn’t liberal enough, now Soros has bought $45 million worth of shares in one of its biggest contenders.

Liberal billionaire George Soros has reportedly purchased “758,000 shares, which…

Alexander Hall | March 5, 2020

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) has led a crusade against the Chinese-owned video platform TikTok, and now he has reportedly proposed legislation to ban federal workers from using it on their government-issued devices.

Hawley dropped the…