Free Speech

Corinne Weaver | April 22, 2020

Censorship on college campuses can be problematic, especially if those campuses are public institutions.

“Restrictions on speech by public colleges and universities amount to government censorship, in violation of the Constitution,…

Corinne Weaver | April 21, 2020

COVID-19 is a phenomenon that even the most trusted sources have known almost nothing about since it began to spread in Wuhan, China. Outlets like CNN and organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) have published material that later…

Alexander Hall | April 20, 2020

After years of Big Tech scandals, Americans are unsure about giving away their data.

“About half (52%) of U.S. adults said they decided recently not to use a product or service because they were worried about how much personal…

Alexander Hall | April 20, 2020

The World Health Organization has been a dangerous source of misinformation in the COVID-19 pandemic, and Facebook is nudging users to read their info.

Facebook said it is concerned that COVID-19 is not the only plague sweeping across the…

Alexander Hall | April 17, 2020

Are the liberal media truly concerned about online radicalization, or just salty because conservatives are better at YouTube?

New York Times reporter and columnist Kevin Roose has turned his wildly overhyped article “The Making of a…

Corinne Weaver | April 17, 2020

An Idaho evangelical church might have had its app pulled from the Google Playstore for having references about the coronavirus within the app.

Christ Church, a church in Moscow, Idaho, alleged that its app was suspended on Good Friday,…

Corinne Weaver | April 17, 2020

Fact-checkers base judgments on posts and news pieces on the information at hand. However, what happens when the information is outdated? Is the fact-check taken back?

An op-ed published in the New York Post (NY Post) by Population…

Alexander Hall | April 16, 2020

Copying notes from China? The Iranian regime has been waging a massive disinformation war to accuse the United States for the COVID-19 virus.

A special report has revealed that Iran has attempted to wage a massive disinformation campaign…

Corinne Weaver | April 16, 2020

Facebook fact-checkers are quick to jump on when they claim conservative media gets it wrong. But what happens when CNN and NBC get stories wrong?

On April 1, Bloomberg News reported that the U.S. intelligence community believed that…

Alexander Hall | April 15, 2020

Ready for Big Tech companies to review your movements to avoid the COVID-19 pandemic?

In mid-May, Apple and Google will lay the groundwork for optional technology that will notify users when they have entered the presence of a person…

Alexander Hall | April 14, 2020

Censorious tech activist and former Reddit CEO Ellen K. Pao took a swing at President Donald Trump during a time of crisis.

Pao bashed the president in a tweet April 14. Pao included in her tweet an article from The Washington Post…

Alexander Hall | April 13, 2020

It apparently took a lockdown for liberals to realize how badly they need to step up their game on YouTube.

With much of the country staying at home on their computers, liberals are flailing in their attempts to utilize the internet as…

Alexander Hall | April 10, 2020

Can you put a price on your privacy? Twitter can, apparently.

Say goodbye to your information privacy on Twitter. It now belongs to advertisers. “Twitter has removed a privacy feature that allowed all users to stop sharing some…

Heather Moon | April 10, 2020

Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Eric Carmen (@RealEricCarmen) is battling Twitter. The open conservative and supporter of President Trump often complains that his tweets are being suppressed and that Twitter is deleting his followers. For…

Alexander Hall | April 10, 2020

Is there an American Big Tech company that isn’t sympathetic to the communist regime in China?

“Grammar app Grammarly has started flagging the phrase ‘Chinese virus’ in references[sic] to the virus and the…

Alexander Hall | April 9, 2020

Under the guise of coming after violent extremists, the anti-Christian, anti-conservative Southern Poverty Law Center is coming after mainstream conservative organizations.

The SPLC’s Hatewatch division released a blog “…

Alexander Hall | April 8, 2020

Move over big government! One Big Tech leader is the latest mover and shaker of liberalism now.

Twitter and Square head Jack Dorsey pledged a whopping 28 percent of his wealth to help fund coronavirus relief, and promised the rest to girl…

Corinne Weaver | April 8, 2020

Twitter automatically tags interests for accounts based on the user’s activity. However, it appears as if accounts are being flagged based on their interests. In at least one prominent user’s case, it may have caused his account to be…

Heather Moon | April 7, 2020

Update: A representative from Facebook responded to a request for comment on Thursday, April 9 and explained that the issue was a technical error that has since been resolved, and the page is no longer being restricted.


Alexander Hall | April 7, 2020

Move over, Russia. News outlets run by the Chinese government are waging the new information war on Facebook.

“Chinese state media is flooding Facebook and Instagram with undisclosed political adverts whitewashing its role in the…