Free Speech

Corinne Weaver | July 23, 2020

Twitter has been suspending accounts that prominently display the Star of David in their profiles. Yet the company refuses to remove anti-Semitic material and prominent anti-Semites from its platform. 

According to the Campaign…

Alexander Hall | July 22, 2020

Twitter declares war on QAnon conspiracy theorists! Thousands of Pro-Trump accounts have been purged as Twitter targets conspiracy theorists on the right while ignoring radicals on the left. 

“We’ve been clear that we will take…

Alexander Hall | July 22, 2020

Talk about living down to expectations. Google gave a measly mea culpa after several conservative websites were delisted from its general search and appeared to have been blacklisted.

The massive search engine company claimed that a…

Alexander Hall | July 21, 2020

Congressional Representative Jody Hice (R-GA) and 18 fellow House Republicans sent a scorching letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey criticizing the hack that erupted across the platform in mid-July.

Hice and his colleagues wrote,“While I…

Heather Moon | July 21, 2020

The outcome of Facebook’s outlandish new policy promoting mail-in voting was easy to predict.

The company announced a plan Friday that encourages mail-in voting so much that even if a post criticizes the concept, Facebook links it to mail…

Alexander Hall | July 21, 2020

After making a video criticizing diversity politics pandering in Big Tech, a Facebook worker was booted from the platform that formerly employed him.

Ex-Google and now ex-Facebook engineer Patrick Shyu is well known for his down-to-…

Corinne Weaver | July 21, 2020

Update: These sites are available again on Google's organic search results. 

Google users wouldn’t know that conservative websites like NewsBusters, The Daily Wire, and Breitbart exist if they consulted an organic search result…

Alexander Hall | July 20, 2020

Mail-in voting has become controversial this election — except at Facebook. The social media site loves mail-in voting so much, it’s promoting it on every politician’s post about … mail-in voting. So when President Donald Trump warns how mail-in…

Corinne Weaver | July 20, 2020

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has openly denied working with President Donald Trump, in order to appease the liberal media. 

Zuckerberg told co-founder Mike Allen that “There's no deal of any kind,” in statements made to Axios. He…

Alexander Hall | July 17, 2020

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has taken heat from liberals in the media and Big Tech for not doing enough to undermine the president, but his weaponization of COVID-19 is damning.

Zuckerberg blasted Trump during an interview with National…

Heather Moon | July 17, 2020

We have to think of the children … and then ban their books, apparently.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and daughter Mary Morgan Ketchel’s new children’s book has been hindered yet again by Instagram, which banned ads for the book. …

Alexander Hall | July 16, 2020

Twitter was rocked by a massive “security incident” yesterday, and in its wake purported blacklisting tools may have been exposed.

Big Tech’s infamous lack of transparency has outraged leaders on both sides of politics, but the …

Alexander Hall | July 15, 2020

After years of Russiagate conspiracy mongering, CNN is furious at Twitter for not doing more to censor President Donald Trump’s concerns about the risks of mass mail-in voting.

CNN praised how Twitter has fact-checked Trump’s tweets, but…

Corinne Weaver | July 15, 2020

Facebook, and Silicon Valley, are both “extremely left-leaning,” according to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. So it should come as no surprise that while progressive employees are given the chance to succeed, those who disagree with them are set up…

Alexander Hall | July 14, 2020

A former Wikipedia editor blasted Wikipedia for not being neutral, and slammed the platform for a multi-year scorched-earth campaign against popular conservative talk radio host Mark Levin.

A massive exposé accusing Wikipedia of having…

Alexander Hall | July 14, 2020

Instagram users attach “stickers” to label their story videos with humorous text, but even Instagram went too far on its own. It has removed the “MUTE WHITE PEOPLE” sticker after conservative journalists and Donald Trump Jr. torched the company…

Dan Gainor | July 14, 2020

Conservatives were already critical of Facebook’s new content Oversight Board. Now, they have even more reasons to complain.

Facebook released the third and final version of the radical left’s audit of its operations last week. As the…

Alexander Hall | July 13, 2020

Cancel culture has come for the foods in your pantry. After the CEO of Goya Foods risked controversy to express his support for President Donald Trump, Twitter has mysteriously censored two images of Goya Foods. 

MRC Latino’s…

Alexander Hall | July 13, 2020

Think Facebook is trigger-happy with censorship? Imagine how bad it would be if it caved to the left’s censorship demands!

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) slammed Facebook in a memo for “unkept promises” leading up to a meeting…

Alexander Hall | July 10, 2020

Twitter censored author James Lindsay the day after he discussed Cancel Culture with podcast host Joe Rogan. 

Lindsay, who calls himself the “leading expert on wokeness,” was temporarily suspended from Twitter after discussing cancel…