Free Speech

Corinne Weaver | August 12, 2020

Big Tech companies like Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Twitter treat Wikipedia as the source of truth, particularly when it comes to censoring conservatives. 

But even Wikipedia can’t figure out the truth related to  Senator…

Alexander Hall | August 11, 2020

Famous Christian public figures were censored for expressing disbelief that patriotism in the current year amounts to submitting to forced vaccinations amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Benham Brothers, identical twins David Benham…

Kayla Sargent | August 11, 2020

In a win for free speech, the popular social media platform Reddit is planning to encourage healthy conversation about the upcoming presidential election.

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman announced that the platform will allow political ads,…

Alexander Hall | August 11, 2020

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s tech policy committee has come under fire even from The New York Times for having suspicious ties with Big Tech companies. 

The Times released a report criticizing how “his…

Alexander Hall | August 10, 2020

TikTok is facing a ban from the United States unless it is sold from the Chinese-overseen company ByteDance to an American company, but some local Big Tech companies could prove just as tyrannical.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire…

Kayla Sargent | August 10, 2020

Another one bites the dust. Facebook just restricted a pro-Trump super PAC with less than three months left before the presidential election. 

Facebook banned the Committee to Defend the President, a pro-Trump Super PAC, from running…

Alexander Hall | August 10, 2020

Twitter now attaches warning labels to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s account but not the Iranian ayatollah. 

Twitter has begun to add the labels to state-affiliated media and government officials from five major…

Alexander Hall | August 7, 2020

President Donald Trump’s WeChat executive order shows the war on Chinese subterfuge is bigger than just TikTok.

Trump issued two different executive orders on Thursday evening: The “Executive Order on Addressing the Threat Posed by TikTok…

Kayla Sargent | August 7, 2020

President Donald Trump’s administration warned that it was considering a ban on Chinese social media. And it delivered in a big way last evening.

Trump signed an executive order Thursday night, “Executive Order on Addressing the Threat…

Kayla Sargent | August 6, 2020

Even the left is beginning to understand the danger of the Chinese-owned app Tik Tok after months of concern. 

Bloomberg news reported on July 27 that the Biden campaign sent a memo to staffers, telling them to delete the app from…

Alexander Hall | August 6, 2020

President Donald Trump has been censored by Big Tech for commenting on COVID-19.

Facebook and Twitter obliterated a video of Trump speaking on Fox News about the coronavirus’s effects on children, both claiming the content violated their…

Alexa Moutevelis | August 5, 2020

Both Twitter and Facebook acted quickly Wednesday night to remove a video of President Trump speaking on Fox News about the coronavirus’ effects on children. The social media sites said the content violated their policies on COVID-19…

Alexander Hall | August 5, 2020

An app researcher may have revealed a Twitter tool that would allow moderators to debate over what is, or isn’t misinformation.

Jane Manchun Wong has posted a screenshot of what appears to be an unreleased Twitter tool that allows…

Alexander Hall | August 5, 2020

A campaign ad for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden took a snippet from President Donald Trump wildly out of context.

The Biden campaign released an August 4 ad featuring a deceptively edited clip of President Trump’s…

Alexander Hall | August 4, 2020

Looking for your chance to vent your rage at Big Tech? The government is literally requesting the public to air their grievances in order to steer policy decisions. 

“The Federal Communications Commission will take public comment for…

Kayla Sargent | August 4, 2020

For years now, the progressive left and media have been quick to demonize the nation’s police officers, so it comes as no surprise that Big Tech is following the trend. 

A quick Google search of the word “demon” results in a…

Alexander Hall | August 4, 2020

Government enforced race reparations aren’t here yet, but Google has rolled out a plan to show people how to exclusively support businesses based not on the content of the owners’ character but on the color of their skin. 


Corinne Weaver | August 4, 2020

Academics funded by Big Tech only argue for more censorship of conservative thought. 

The Oxford Internet Institute, a department of the University of Oxford, released a study that smeared conservative sites such as CNSNews,…

Alexander Hall | August 3, 2020

Liberal journalists are once again panicking over a video that made House Speaker Nancy Pelosi look foolish.

“Facebook's fact-checkers on Sunday labeled it as ‘partly false’ a video that it said was manipulated to make it appear as if…

Alexander Hall | August 3, 2020

Breitbart claimed that the internet’s most popular search engine is using multiple tactics to rig the upcoming election.

Breitbart released a damning report full of graphs and hard data condemning Google for interfering with conservative…