Free Speech

Heather Moon | March 29, 2021

A new study from a George Soros-funded group used flawed methodology to claim Facebook failed to prevent more than 10 billion views of so-called “misinformation.” 

The study used Facebook’s fact checkers, shown to be inaccurate and…

Alexander Hall | March 29, 2021

Facebook whistleblower Cassandra Spencer wrote an exposé about the platform with damning claims of anti-conservative meddling. 

The whistleblower who had contracted at Facebook had her life turned upside down after exposing Big Tech…

Alexander Hall | March 26, 2021

CloutHub has declared war against Big Tech and launched its own alternative video hosting service to protect its members from censorship. 

CloutHub expressed fury over IBM allegedly breaking an anti-censorship contract and has…

Casey Ryan | March 25, 2021

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) drilled Big Tech leaders on choosing what content Americans were allowed to post at a House “disinformation” hearing. He even agreed with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that banning a sitting president is an uncomfortable move…

Kayla Sargent | March 25, 2021

In the latest dumpster fire of a congressional hearing, House Republicans and Democrats disagreed on whether Big Tech should increase censorship online or let internet users speak freely.

House GOP members bashed Big Tech for acting “like…

Casey Ryan | March 25, 2021

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg joined with other Big Tech leaders in a House hearing to discuss “disinformation” and seemingly brag about censorship. The Facebook head also used his opening statement to brazenly attack former President Donald Trump…

Alexander Hall | March 25, 2021

One of America’s most well-known conservative think tanks, The Heritage Foundation, rejected hundreds of thousands of dollars from Big Tech corporations. The organization specifically took issue with Big Tech’s censorship of conservatives.…

Alexander Hall | March 24, 2021

Twitter banned Donald Trump, but he’s still making Twitter news. Former Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) blasted Big Tech for banning Trump. And The Donald has decided he wouldn’t go back, no matter what.


Eric Scheiner | March 24, 2021

Lefty Twitter users can still tweet that the suspected gunman in the Boulder, Colorado supermarket shootings is a "white Christian terrorist" – because Twitter doesn’t feel it violates their policy on misinformation.

Believe it or not,…

Kayla Sargent | March 24, 2021

A Facebook-funded organization may have actually swayed Arizona to then-candidate Joe Biden in the civic disaster known as the 2020 presidential election, according to a new report.

Thousands of underfunded and unprepared counties across…

Alec Schemmel | March 23, 2021

Facebook has vowed to keep users “Safe and Informed” about the coronavirus. In an effort to meet its authoritarian goal, it censored millions of posts.

The massive social networking platform deleted “12 million pieces of content about…

Kayla Sargent | March 23, 2021

Congress, once again, has the chance to grill Big Tech CEOs about their censorship of conservatives , but whether members will actually take advantage of this opportunity is questionable at best. 

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg,…

Craig Bannister | March 23, 2021

“If you dropped this bulls**t at my front door, it would be considered a hate crime,” Black conservative Candace Owens replied Tuesday to a failed Democrat congressional candidate who tweeted an image representing a Klu Klux Klan (KKK) hood to…

Alexander Hall | March 23, 2021

Facebook has obliterated GOP gubernatorial candidate Amanda Chase’s state Senate page as a critical Virginia election approaches.

“Facebook appears to have permanently removed State Sen. Amanda Chase’s official state Senate page,…

Casey Ryan | March 22, 2021

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell joined with The Heartland Institute to warn of the threat that Big Tech poses to the United States.

Bozell set the tone of how dangerous Big Tech’s unparalleled power has become for America…

Alexander Hall | March 22, 2021

Former President Donald Trump has declared institutional independence by starting his own platform! Both Trump and his adviser Jason Miller have given hints about Trump’s upcoming platform in recent days.

Trump’s grand re-entry to…

Alexander Hall | March 19, 2021

Twitter reportedly silenced Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) as her political future hangs in the balance. Greene has since said that she was told Twitter censored her account in “error.” 

“Twitter has locked Rep. Marjorie Taylor…

Kayla Sargent | March 19, 2021

Senate Democrats have considered bringing several Big Tech leaders to make their way to Capitol Hill again soon to defend their business practices.  

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), chair of the Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and…

Alexander Hall | March 18, 2021

Feminist author Naomi Wolf scorched Big Tech for censoring conservatives and raked her fellow liberals over the coals for siding with platforms that are “conditioning us to not think like Americans.”

Wolf, the author of Outrages: Sex,…

Kayla Sargent | March 18, 2021

Iowa legislators proved that they were serious in the fight against Big Tech when the state Senate joined the Iowa House in passing its own bill to combat online censorship.

The Iowa Senate passed its latest measure on Wednesday to tackle…