Free Speech

Nick Kangadis | May 21, 2021

Conservative talk show host Steven Crowder announced on his brand-new Rumble channel that he and his lawyer Bill Richmond filed a lawsuit last Thursday against video platform giant YouTube for suspending his channel for two weeks for allegedly…

Alec Schemmel | May 20, 2021

An Israeli legal scholar complained that YouTube twice censored his interview about Israel’s strikes against the terror group Hamas. Then YouTube gave conflicting accounts about why it censored him.

Antonin Scalia Law School Professor…

Alexander Hall | May 20, 2021

Liberals and Big Tech once actively suppressed the theory that COVID-19 emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein appeared on Fox News to explain how the narrative appears increasingly probable. …

Kayla Sargent | May 20, 2021

Free speech-oriented alternatives like Rumble have grown in popularity as Big Tech companies like YouTube have increasingly censored conservative voices. And Rumble’s newfound popularity has particularly attracted the attention of a couple…

Kayla Sargent | May 19, 2021

Facebook deplatformed a pro-Israel page with “75 million followers” after the page appeared to be the target of “anti-Semitic” attacks — flooding the page with one million comments that included photos of Hitler. 

Facebook shut down…

Alec Schemmel | May 18, 2021

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, admitted he doesn’t know much about the First Amendment, but that didn’t stop him from calling it “bonkers” and blaming social media platforms for trying to “redefine what free speech means.”

The Duke of…

Kayla Sargent | May 18, 2021

NewsGuard has found a new way to discriminate against conservatives while pretending to fight against so-called “misinformation” online.

Liberal ratings firm NewsGuard has developed a service to “place ads on credible news sources.” Its…

Alexander Hall | May 18, 2021

Apparently, America’s real war is within, according to Defense Department official and race hustler Bishop Garrison. He was tagged to lead a new program to spy on soldiers for “concerning behaviors” online.

“The [m]ilitary plans to…

NB Staff | May 18, 2021

On Tuesday morning, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released an open letter to Facebook President Mark Zuckerberg about the site’s alleged neutrality. Bozell explained that recent statements by a member of the Board of Trustees for…

Alexander Hall | May 18, 2021

Facebook can do whatever it wants, it’s a “private company” that obeys “Silicon Valley values.” That’s the position of Facebook Oversight Board trustee Kristina Arriaga, who defended the decision to keep former President Donald Trump suspended —…

Alexander Hall | May 17, 2021

Where are the fact-checkers now? A Spanish politician from the Vox Party stated that Twitter suspended him for acknowledging that there are biological differences between men and women. 

“I've been blocked from Twitter for 12 hours…

Kayla Sargent | May 17, 2021

As Americans scrambled to find gas, and as Israel fought to defend itself against terrorists, President Joe Biden quietly rescinded a free speech executive order from former President Donald Trump.

Biden rescinded Trump’s executive order…

Autumn Johnson | May 15, 2021

Notable upcoming books released by conservative authors have suddenly disappeared from Amazon’s search results.

Conservative author and New York Post editor Sohrab Ahmari’s book on America’s abandonment of virtuous ethical and religious…

Autumn Johnson | May 15, 2021

The summit dedicated to the controversial Christchurch Agreement announced that participating governments will use algorithms to monitor “extreme” speech.

The agreement is named after the New Zealand city where a far-right gunman murdered…

Autumn Johnson | May 14, 2021

After being banned by Facebook and Twitter, former President Donald Trump is considering new platforms to share his content.

Trump is reportedly considering Clouthub and FreeSpace, new social media networks created to take on Big Tech.…

Gabriela Pariseau | May 14, 2021

Jordan Peterson, a popular Canadian psychologist and author, dared his government to “just try and regulate [his] YouTube channel and see what happens.” 

Peterson clashed with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Twitter because of…

Kayla Sargent | May 14, 2021

YouTube’s constant censorship of conservatives is probably not going anywhere, and neither is the platform’s denial of silencing right-wing opinions. 

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki appeared at the Poland-based Impact ‘21 conference and…

Alexander Hall | May 14, 2021

Facebook has rolled out a new pop-up to dissuade users from sharing so-called misinformation.

Facebook released yet another stopgap to prevent what could be seen by some as possible misinformation. “Starting today, we’re testing a way to…

Alexander Hall | May 13, 2021

A Biden senior Defense Department adviser called free speech a “digital black plague” in a 2018 opinion piece. 

Bishop Garrison is the new senior adviser to the Secretary of Defense and is already infamous for purging the military’s…

Kayla Sargent | May 13, 2021

A Florida-based news outlet claimed that YouTube censored one of its videos, but YouTube simply told MRC Free Speech America that the video was “actually live” on the platform. 

The Floridian reported that YouTube censored its video…