Free Speech

Autumn Johnson | September 13, 2021

Washington D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine amended his antitrust complaint against Amazon to include the company’s relationships with wholesale suppliers.

The lawsuit alleges that the tech giant’s practices with sellers raise prices for…

Autumn Johnson | September 13, 2021

The Federal Election Commission has ruled that Twitter did not break the law when it deliberately censored the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The New York Times reported the FEC’s decision, calling the censorship claims “unsubstantiated,”…

Alexander Hall | September 13, 2021

Facebook reportedly has a specific set of elite users who don't have to follow the same censorship rules applied to average users. 

There’s a club of elites who don't have to follow the same rules, and Facebook has reportedly hidden…

Autumn Johnson | September 12, 2021

WARNING: The following post contains explicit language.

On Friday, Rose McGowan tore into Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram after the platforms allegedly shadow-banned her accounts. With a screenshot of her share settings,…

Autumn Johnson | September 12, 2021

In an article posted Saturday for The American Spectator, longtime economist and former presidential speechwriter Ben Stein revealed that YouTube had suspended his economic and political show, The World According to Ben Stein.

Autumn Johnson | September 11, 2021

Salesforce told thousands of employees Friday that it will relocate employees who want to leave Texas because of its new abortion law.

The law prohibits abortions after 6 weeks. Providers who break the law can be sued.

“These are…

Autumn Johnson | September 11, 2021

Dave Rubin called it, and Twitter is once again being slammed for its hypocrisy.

Rubin reminded users that despite the recent news that the Biden administration will mandate vaccines for federal employees, the platform censored him months…

Alexander Hall | September 10, 2021

Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) signed a bill into law that will protect Texans from being censored for merely expressing their opinions online.

Texas may just be one of the freest places in America to speak online after its governor signed a…

Gabriela Pariseau | September 10, 2021

James O’Keefe, founder of the guerilla journalism outfit Project Veritas told Candace Owens that Big Tech collusion with Big Media are two of the most important industries to expose.

Owens interviewed O’Keefe on her eponymous Daily Wire…

Autumn Johnson | September 9, 2021

A top Democratic staffer is reportedly leaving his job at the Senate Commerce Committee to work at Facebook, according a Politico scoop on Thursday.

“John Branscome, the top Democratic staffer on the Senate Commerce Committee, is…

Alexander Hall | September 9, 2021

This week, Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Chris Rufo was unverified by Twitter and reportedly targeted by a “Government-backed attack” after he allegedly exposed Critical Race Theory policies at Google.

Google, one of the world’s most…

Gabriela Pariseau | September 9, 2021

Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro made a bold move, marking one up for free speech in his nation. The embattled president signed a provisional measure that will make it illegal for Big Tech to arbitrarily remove legal social media content.

Autumn Johnson | September 8, 2021

Microsoft will reportedly allow its IT administrators to remove messages it deems inappropriate in workplace or classroom chats.

IT administrators will reportedly be able to remove a “curse word, an off-topic conversation, or other foul…

Autumn Johnson | September 8, 2021

The Liberty Justice Center has filed a lawsuit on behalf of social media influencer Justin Hart accusing Facebook, Twitter, and the Biden administration of colluding to censor so-called COVID-19 “misinformation.”

The Liberty Justice…

Alexander Hall | September 8, 2021

Facebook-owned messaging service WhatsApp has touted privacy as a core feature, but a damning report indicated that user conversations may not be so secure.

WhatsApp has treated privacy as a signature feature for users to join, but a…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 8, 2021

It’s Week Two of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about Big Tech’s apparent discomfort showcasing anything pro-military.

Big Tech has been busy censoring conservatives while the world is in uproar over…

Alexander Hall | September 8, 2021

Apparently even the highest ranking members of a company can be purged for condemning the murder of the unborn. Tripwire Interactive said that its CEO “has stepped down” after his purported Twitter account caused outrage by making a pro-life…

Alexander Hall | September 7, 2021

The Department of Commerce will shut down the entire Investigations and Threat Management Service division after even the liberal Washington Post condemned the outlandish government overreach. Americans were spied on for criticizing the census,…

Alexander Hall | September 7, 2021

SECOND UPDATE: A spokesperson for Twitter reportedly claimed to Bloomberg that Vance's press account was suspended in error for violating its impersonation policy. UPDATE: The press account is now back online, but claimed in a tweet…

Autumn Johnson | September 7, 2021

Unsurprisingly, the liberal media are keeping quiet after several major news outlets fell for an unbelievable hoax. And Big Tech continued to spread it.

When Rolling Stone published an article with the headline “Gunshot Victims…