Free Speech

Heather Moon | September 21, 2021

Facebook admitted that data it shared with researchers in February 2020 was severely flawed. The result discredited any study relating to so-called “misinformation,” alleged radicalization or political polarization that used the Facebook…

Alec Schemmel | September 21, 2021

Big Tech overwhelmingly censors Republican members of Congress by a rate of 53-to-1 compared to congressional Democrats.

That censorship has hit Republican Senators Rand Paul (KY) and Ron Johnson (WI), Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) and other…

Autumn Johnson | September 20, 2021

Internet dating service OKCupid has introduced a “pro-choice” badge in response to the new Texas abortion law.

Users can add the badge to their dating profile.

“I’m friends with some people who are a little more conservative than…

Catherine Salgado | September 20, 2021

The left wants to censor more! Big Tech has continued its onslaught of censorship of free speech online at the behest of the left. And now the left is gunning for online firearms marketplaces with a proposed repeal of certain Section 230…

Autumn Johnson | September 20, 2021

Facebook criticized The Wall Street Journal after it conducted a deep-dive investigation into the platform and some of its practices.

Nick Clegg, the Vice President of Global Affairs at Facebook, said the The Journal deliberately…

Alexander Hall | September 20, 2021

Twenty years after the biggest terror attack in America’s history, YouTube censored a video commemorating its victims. 

YouTube removed a Sept. 11, 2001 commemorative video posted by an ACT For America staffer, explaining: “[W]e…

Autumn Johnson | September 19, 2021

Alabama is the eleventh state to join Florida’s fight against Big Tech.

Florida S.B. 7072 allows Floridians to sue Big Tech companies if they feel they have been unfairly censored and also allows Florida's attorney general to sue as well…

Catherine Salgado | September 17, 2021

In a twist of irony, head of Instagram Adam Mosseri warned about the “risk” of social media “censorship” in an attempt to defend his platform from articles critical of censorious Facebook.

Mosseri joined Recode Media Host Peter Kafka’s…

Autumn Johnson | September 17, 2021

Apple is reportedly "monitoring" challenges to the new pro-life law in Texas, according to an internal memo posted on Sept. 16, according to TechCrunch.

The law prohibits abortions after 6 weeks.

Apple has reportedly weighed in on…

Alexander Hall | September 17, 2021

The Claremont Institute has joined Big Tech in the ring. It hopes to give Google the ol’ one-two by asking an Ohio judge to declare Google to be a public utility. 

The Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence “…

Catherine Salgado | September 16, 2021

Amazon sells Hitler’s Mein Kampf, but blocked an advertisement for an investigative book on Black Lives Matter leaders, citing “controversial” content. The platform later claimed to have made an “error” and is now allowing the book to be…

Alexander Hall | September 16, 2021

Warning: The follow post contains explicit language. 

Rapper Nicki Minaj claimed to have been penalized by Twitter after she posted tweets expressing skepticism over COVID-19 vaccinations and apparent agreement with Fox News host…

Catherine Salgado | September 16, 2021

Several Big Tech companies reportedly know their social media sites are toxic for minors, and the sites may even perpetuate that toxicity. 

The Wall Street Journal wrote that TikTok and Facebook-owned Instagram are creating a toxic…

Autumn Johnson | September 15, 2021

This week, conservatives have strongly pushed back on Twitter against the Federal Election Commission after it ruled that the social media platform didn't violate federal election law for censor a new story. The case centered on…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 15, 2021

It’s Week Three of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about Big Tech’s refusal to accept anything that goes against their approved COVID-19 narrative. 

Web Superstar Joe Rogan posted an Instagram…

Alexander Hall | September 15, 2021

Americans have become quite suspicious of Big Tech’s influence. A recent survey reported on by Breitbart News revealed that three-quarters of American citizens believe that Big Tech companies avoid regulation by using their power to influence…

Autumn Johnson | September 14, 2021

Live Action founder and president Lila Rose said Google banned pro-life ads from the organization.

“BREAKING: At the request of abortion activists, @Google has just BANNED all of @LiveAction's pro-life ads, including those promoting the…

Catherine Salgado | September 14, 2021

Senator Elizabeth Warren wrote a letter to Amazon last week demanding that the company more stringently censor so-called COVID-19 “misinformation.”

Warren (D-MA) wrote her letter on Sept. 7 to Amazon CEO Andy Jassy warning about the…

Catherine Salgado | September 14, 2021

YouTube strikes again! In yet another move restricting local government transparency and open communication, the online video platform censored a video of a Livingston County, Michigan, Board of Commissioners meeting.

YouTube reportedly…

Autumn Johnson | September 13, 2021

Conservative media personality Candace Owens says Facebook is targeting old posts from her Instagram account.

Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, allegedly removed a November post from Owens’ account that cast doubt on Biden’s victory…