
Catherine Salgado | February 28, 2022

UPDATE: Social media companies as of Tuesday morning have reportedly announced various actions against Russia state-affiliated accounts and material. YouTube will block channels that are linked to Sputnik and RT across Europe, Reuters…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | February 16, 2022

It’s Episode 25 of CensorTrack with TR. This week we’re talking about a study that MRC’s Free Speech America team recently conducted. Results showed that from March 2020 to Feb. 2022, Big Tech censored more than 808 COVID-19-related posts.…

Joseph Vazquez, Gabriela Pariseau | February 9, 2022

Big Tech speech restrictions turned COVID-19 into the most pro-censorship environment in the U.S. at least since World War II. Media Research Center has found more than 800 examples of bans, deleted content, and other speech restrictions related…

Joseph Vazquez | February 8, 2022

The Heritage Foundation released a damning report blasting censorship and showing that it has jumped fully into the fight against Silicon Valley speech controls. 

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts didn’t mince words about…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | February 2, 2022

It’s Episode Twenty-Three of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about how when Big Tech censors the speech of prominent figures, they’re censoring you, too.

Big Tech is controlled by the left which causes…

Catherine Salgado | January 27, 2022

The anti-free speech left is all but breaking out the champagne and party hats over YouTube’s permanent ban of Fox News host Dan Bongino.

The left appeared gleefully to celebrate YouTube’s permanent ban of conservative commentator Dan…

Gabriela Pariseau | January 26, 2022

YouTube appeared to hide rappers Tom MacDonald and Adam Calhoun’s new song “New World Order,” which challenged leftist hypocrisy on race, gender and a host of other issues.

The platform’s own trending label showed that “New World Order”…

Catherine Salgado | January 26, 2022

Three facts and you’re out? YouTube has permanently banned Fox News host and conservative commentator Dan Bongino.

The Fox News host reportedly attempted to upload a video to his main channel while YouTube suspended his secondary channel…

Alexander Hall | January 24, 2022

Politics and sports commentator Clay Travis condemned YouTube for censoring an interview with Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY).

Travis called a penalty against Big Tech. “YouTube has refused to post our @clayandbuck interview with @RandPaul. Think…

Autumn Johnson | January 22, 2022

YouTube reportedly classified a recent sermon from evangelical pastor John MacArthur as “hate speech.”

CBN News reported that MacArthur was preaching on biblical sexuality to protest a Canadian law that some worry would ban the teaching…

Gabriela Pariseau | January 20, 2022

YouTube “terminated” the Reintegrative Therapy Association’s channel for alleged “hate speech,” accusing the group of pushing “conversion therapy.”

The Reintegrative Therapy Association (RTA) specializes in “established, evidence-based…

Alexander Hall | January 19, 2022

YouTube appears to have censored an interview between a British YouTube channel and Dr. Peter McCullough before it was even published. Censors now appear to nix videos before they are even published. “YouTube have banned my podcast with @…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | January 19, 2022

It’s Episode Twenty-One of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about how Big Tech silenced Fox News host Dan Bongino for voicing his thoughts.

YouTube suspended Bongino from posting videos for one week…

Joseph Vazquez | January 18, 2022

An international network of so-called “fact-checking” organizations funded by massive liberal organizations called on YouTube to censor more content the network disagrees with.

The leftist International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), a…

Alexander Hall | January 17, 2022

YouTube censored Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) for questioning the COVID-19 narrative around what masks are effective at stopping disease transmission. 

Earlier this month, he shared a breaking story from the Centers for Disease Control and…

Autumn Johnson | January 15, 2022

YouTube has suspended Fox News host Dan Bongino for content that contained alleged “misinformation” about COVID-19.

YouTube appeared to take issue with Bongino’s claims that masks were “useless” in preventing the virus. He has over 850,…

Catherine Salgado | January 14, 2022

The January 6 House Select Committee made a dangerous attack against free speech online. It issued subpoenas to four major Big Tech companies — in the name of stopping “extremism.”

The committee has previously shown itself interested…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | January 12, 2022

It’s Episode Twenty of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about how Big Tech thinks they know better than licensed professionals when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines. 

Dr. Robert Malone is one of the…

Alexander Hall | January 11, 2022

Musician John Ondrasik, also known by his stage name Five for Fighting, slammed YouTube for reportedly temporarily censoring his music video about Biden’s incompetence in the Afghanistan troop withdrawal. 

Biden mishandled the end of…

Joseph Vazquez | January 11, 2022

YouTube’s censorship overlords suspended MRCTV for posting a video that dared to highlight government officials’ garbled messaging on COVID-19 guidance. 

MRCTV Managing Editor Brittany Hughes’ Jan. 3 video, “Enjoy Your Covid Hysteria…