
Gabriela Pariseau | January 30, 2023

UPDATE: Project Veritas shared a purported screenshot of an "'Urgent Guidance' document sent to employees on how to handle the [sic] Project Veritas." The document shows YouTube removed the video because of something Project Veritas founder…

NB Staff | January 25, 2023

Big Tech is playing games with speech. Its primary concern is with neutralizing conservative influence online. It does this by preventing users from hearing or seeing a message that the left disagrees with.

“Big Tech kept information from…

Paiten Iselin | January 20, 2023

The U.S. Supreme Court overturning of Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs opinion marked a landmark win in the fight for the life of the preborn. Yet Big Tech has refused to budge on its pro-abortion stance.

Social media platforms have banned, fact-…

Paiten Iselin | January 11, 2023

UPDATE: Following this piece's publication, YouTube restored The Heartland Institute's “In the Tank" podcast episode and responded to MRC Free Speech America's request for comment. A YouTube spokesperson said "Upon review, we determined this…

Catherine Salgado | December 15, 2022

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis slammed Big Tech’s censorship of COVID-19 content in a roundtable discussion announcing that he was calling for a “grand jury” to investigate “wrongdoing” related to COVID vaccines. 

DeSantis not…

Catherine Salgado | December 7, 2022

YouTube censored The China Show podcast, which was covering the massive anti-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) protests in China.

Matt Tye and Winston Sterzel were once the first YouTubers in China, according to their podcast description, and…

Catherine Salgado | December 1, 2022

Big Tech giant Google is bankrolling the propaganda industry known as “fact-checking” to the tune of $13.2 million for a new fact-check fund, the behemoth announced Tuesday.

The money will go to the Poynter Institute’s notorious…

Catherine Salgado | December 1, 2022

Big Tech giant Google is bankrolling the propaganda industry known as “fact-checking” to the tune of $13.2 million for a new fact-check fund, the behemoth announced Tuesday.

The money will go to the Poynter Institute’s notorious…

NB Staff | November 18, 2022

As the 2022 midterm elections approached, social media platforms aggressively championed political ideas benefiting left-wing candidates while silencing dissenting opinions that don’t fit the liberal worldview in the third quarter.


Jeffrey Clark | November 8, 2022

What do some of the world’s most powerful Big Tech oligarchs and nearly 30 rabidly pro-censorship organizations have in common? They all share an apparent disdain for free speech and received a total of $80,233,084 from liberal billionaire George…

Joseph Vazquez | November 4, 2022

Leftist internet traffic cop NewsGuard is in no position to be throwing around the “hoax” label when its own CEO tried to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop scandal as a “hoax.” It's a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Catherine Salgado | November 3, 2022

The disinformation correspondent from BBC News was just caught creating fake accounts on social media, supposedly to expose “disinformation” for potential censorship online. And leftist appeared fascinated by her efforts.


Joseph Vazquez | October 28, 2022

Another assortment of groups funded with millions of dollars from liberal billionaire George Soros are adding to the number of groups demanding that Big Tech unleash a censorship Armageddon against so-called election “disinformation.”

Paiten Iselin | October 20, 2022

The U.S. midterm elections are just around the corner and the legacy media have donned their activist hats. The liberal media have been calling on social media platforms to more actively combat so-called “misinformation” online.


Joseph Vazquez | October 14, 2022

Liberal billionaire George Soros funded groups that are now urging the heads of major Big Tech platforms to step up their censorship just before the 2022 midterm elections.

The Soros-funded Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights…

Brian Bradley | October 13, 2022

The New York Times is whipping social media companies to censor so-called “misinformation” in non-English languages after supposed “[u]nsubstantiated rumors and outright falsehoods” circulated online before the 2020 presidential election.

Catherine Salgado | October 5, 2022

American Big Tech platforms Facebook, Twitter and Google-owned YouTube allow the authoritarian regimes of China and Russia to spread their anti-American propaganda and lies online to nearly a billion followers. Meanwhile, these same platforms…

Brian Bradley | September 29, 2022

UPDATE: Since posting this story, CPAC spokesperson Alex Pfeiffer told MRC Free Speech America that YouTube has removed another day of proceedings from the CPAC Texas event held in Dallas Aug. 4-7. Initially, YouTube had only removed the…

Autumn Johnson | September 28, 2022

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) last week requested YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki send company documents related to the censorship of Johnson's videos and the multiple suspensions his account has received. He wrote that he is giving the company until Oct. 5…

Gabriela Pariseau | September 28, 2022

UPDATE: After MRC Free Speech America reached out to YouTube, the platform restored the video of Giorgia Meloni's 2019 speech. YouTube spokesperson Ivy Choi offered the following statement: "Upon careful review, we determined this video is not…