Washington Post

Alexander Hall | November 6, 2019

Too scared to show their faces? Apple and TikTok chose not to appear at a congressional hearing where political leaders took them to task.

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on…

Joseph Vazquez | October 31, 2019

The Washington Post celebrated Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s scheduled Halloween impeachment vote (ironic) as a fulfillment of an ongoing mission by liberal billionaire and 2020 Democratic Party primary candidate Tom Steyer since 2017.


Corinne Weaver | October 30, 2019

The media are opposed to anything that remotely resembles a neutral approach. So when Facebook decided to leave political ads from politicians untouched, the liberal news media declared war.

Head of Facebook News Campbell Brown wrote in…

Julia A. Seymour | September 25, 2019

After an Australian academic website called The Conversation tweeted “it’s time to ban climate denial” in the media, UC-Boulder Professor Roger Pielke, Jr., weighed in to show the consequences of such censorship.


Corinne Weaver | September 16, 2019

 Fact-checkers have been given an enormous amount of authority over what news stays and what cannot be allowed to flourish on Facebook.

Pro-life organization Live Action found this out the hard way last week, after the platform was…

Julia A. Seymour | September 11, 2019

When 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Elizabeth Warren first proposed an annual wealth tax, she claimed it would be just “a little piece,” “a little portion” of the “bazillion” they…

Corinne Weaver | August 27, 2019

A study from Cornell University claims YouTube channels that feature prominent conservative figures are “infecting” users with alt-right beliefs.

“Auditing Radicalization Pathways on YouTube,” written by five academics, concluded that “…

Joseph Valle | August 12, 2019

Even though some high-profile experts claim the U.S. is not headed for a recession right now, the liberal news media continued to promote economic pessimism during the summer of 2019.

Despite 3.7 percent (near record-low) unemployment,…

Joseph Valle | August 9, 2019

Many Democrats running for president in 2020 are calling for “Medicare-for-all” type healthcare, including Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and far-left candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

Surprisingly, the…

Joseph Valle | July 30, 2019

Nothing “free” ever really is, but that didn’t stop The Washington Post from depicting “free” college as a “no-lose proposition for a politician.” The Post noted that several Democratic presidential…

Corinne Weaver | July 26, 2019

Even those who work at Google have noticed the search engine’s unfair tilt towards liberal news outlets. 

Google engineer Greg Coppola, who was suspended by his company for speaking to Project Veritas, published a July 25 post…

Julia A. Seymour | July 24, 2019

So much for the Fight for $15! Sen. Bernie Sanders, (I-VT), campaign created a PR crisis for himself after staff complaints that they were being paid “poverty wages” got leaked to the press.

That hypocrisy might have hurt him…

Joseph Valle | July 11, 2019

This wasn’t an episode of Fear Factor or The Amazing Race. It was The Washington Post that hyped maggots as a solution to fears of a future global food crisis.

Reporter Christopher Ingraham wrote about Symton BSF — a…

Joseph Valle | July 3, 2019

The left have cheered Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) rise in the polls after the Democrat debates. Now they have pronounced her Wall Street’s choice for the 2020 presidential election.

Bloomberg reporters Lananh Nguyen and Tyler Pager on…

Joseph Valle | June 26, 2019

Washington Post economic editorial writer Charles Lane called out proponents of socialism citing Nordic countries as a “model” for the kind of socialism they want to see replicated by America.

Because, while they are “…

Alexander Hall | June 6, 2019

If you thought Big Government was the main threat to your free speech and gun rights, think again. Big Tech has come for both in recent weeks.  

As The Washington Post reported in a May 30 article, Salesforce has rolled out a new…

Joseph Valle | June 4, 2019

Business leaders wanting praise from the liberal media only need to embrace some left-wing cause. Promoting a conservative agenda earns scorn.

The Washington Post published a massive profile on Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack and…

Corinne Weaver | May 15, 2019

The White House slammed both Google and Facebook over the First Amendment when it passed on a New Zealand plea for censorship of online content.

The Washington Post reported that while other foreign powers sign on to the Christchurch Call…

Julia A. Seymour | May 13, 2019

Fewer people are now in favor of the Green New Deal and the disappointment of The Washington Post was palpable.

It turned out that once more people knew more about the socialist fantasy to save the planet (and give away a bunch of other…

Julia A. Seymour | April 30, 2019

The U.S. economy grew so much more than expected in the first quarter that CNBC’s Rick Santelli called it a “whopper” and “really powerful” news on April 26. A day later, the news made the front page of The…