U.S. Supreme Court

Autumn Johnson | February 23, 2023

We now know a bit about where some of the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are leaning in one family’s landmark case against Google.

Google is being sued by the family of a woman killed in 2015 during an ISIS-led…

Autumn Johnson | January 23, 2023

The New York Times revealed the major changes that could come to online censorship if the Supreme Court of the United States decides to reform Section 230.

The Times technology reporter David McCabe analyzed just what is at stake…

Joseph Vazquez | October 3, 2022

The leftist Big Tech overlords may finally face a day of reckoning as the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a challenge to the Section 230 law that governs how tech platforms moderate free speech.

SCOTUSblog tweeted Oct. 3 that SCOTUS…

Catherine Salgado | September 22, 2022

The Supreme Court may consider a Florida law banning social media censorship after the state’s attorney general petitioned the high court for a ruling on the law.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody and multiple other Florida officials…

Joseph Vazquez | July 13, 2022

Leftist outlets warning about potential data privacy infringements for those seeking abortions pushed for the surrender of people’s privacy when it came to COVID-19.

MRC Free Speech America found at least eight major publications that…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 12, 2022

Twitter censors conservatives who dare challenge the leftist agenda, but leftist activists can attempt to intimidate federal officials and Twitter won’t bat an eyelash. 

“ShutDownDC,” a group known for organizing harassment campaigns…

Jeffrey Clark | July 7, 2022

The U.S. Supreme Court may have overturned Roe v. Wade, but abortion has not been completely eliminated — not if leftists in corporate America have anything to say about it, at least. 

Following the collapse of Roe, many businesses…

Jeffrey Clark | July 1, 2022

Leftists in the media and on Twitter whined after the U.S. Supreme Court delivered victory to constitutional originalists, this time on energy policy.

The Court’s decision will limit the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA…

Jeffrey Clark | June 28, 2022

Hundreds of Amazon employees reportedly signed a letter to company executives demanding they denounce the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 24 decision that reversed Roe v. Wade. 

The Amazon employees called on leadership to allow “employees…

Joseph Vazquez | June 27, 2022

The co-owner of a major gaming organization lost his marbles following the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn the notorious 49-year-old pro-abortion Roe v. Wade ruling. 

100 Thieves co-owner and YouTube streamer Jack ‘CouRage’…

Autumn Johnson | May 31, 2022

The Supreme Court temporarily blocked a Texas law that aims to prevent discriminative censorship on social media platforms.

The decision did not rule on the merits of the law but instead placed it on hold until federal courts decide…

Catherine Salgado | May 6, 2022

Pro-abortion leftists took to Twitter in a frenzy after Politico published a leaked U.S. Supreme Court document that could overturn Roe v. Wade (1973). While then-President Donald Trump was banned from Twitter for a supposed risk of inciting…

UPDATE: The Ruth Sent Us website remains operational, but Google removed the map containing the six Supreme Court justices' residential addresses. Users who attempt to access the map on the Ruth Sent Us site will find a notice that reads "[t]his…

Jeffrey Clark | May 4, 2022

Bloomberg News had the audacity to claim that overturning the abortion-sanctioning Roe v. Wade (1973) is erasing women’s “economic gains.”

Bloomberg News published a May 3 story headlined, “Abortion Rollback Risks Erasing Decades of…

Catherine Salgado | May 3, 2022

Bill Gates took to Twitter to claim that the reversal of Roe v. Wade would “set us back 50 years.” The tweet came during a huge controversy over a leaked U.S. Supreme Court document revealing that SCOTUS will vote to repeal the decision that…

Joseph Vazquez | May 3, 2022

Notorious liberal billionaire George Soros spewed tens of millions of dollars into the abortion lobby between 2016 and 2020. And as the U.S. Supreme Court is reportedly set to overturn Roe v. Wade (1973), never has there been a more important…

Joseph Vazquez | March 23, 2022

A leftist dark money group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros is closely connected to efforts to push for confirmation of President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee.

Demand Justice, which has advocated for radical left-wing…

Joseph Vazquez | July 2, 2021

The U.S. Supreme Court handed a stunning defeat to the enemies of the First Amendment by invalidating a California law forcing nonprofits to disclose their largest donors — and liberals are losing it.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the…

Joseph Vazquez | October 14, 2020

New York Times economist Paul Krugman is at it again. He’s promoting a conspiracy theory that libertarian billionaire Charles Koch wants U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett to — wait for it — destroy the planet.

Sounds like…

Joseph Vazquez | October 2, 2020

Politico seems to be getting into the habit of hyping up radical leftist groups tied to liberal billionaire George Soros looking to sway American politics.

This time, Politico elevated a group trying to derail President Donald…