
Julia A. Seymour | December 28, 2016

Liberals still sore over Donald Trump’s electoral victory are bashing the president-elect by any means, including through liberal media outlets.

In the…

Sam Dorman | September 20, 2016

Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch tore into Hillary Clinton’s policies on Squawk Box, arguing that her push for climate justice was de facto “lawyer protection.”

“Basically what it is, it…

Sam Dorman | August 31, 2016

Networks vilified a drug company and its CEO for the high price of life-saving allergy medicine, all while ignoring government actions which enabled the company’s monopoly, contributed to rising costs and increased demand.

Mira Ebersole | August 2, 2016

Food is so scarce in Venezuela that last week a group of starving people broke into a zoo and killed a horse for food. Burdened by government regulations, Venezuela’s economic crisis and its food shortage are forcing many people to leave…

Mira Ebersole | August 2, 2016

Venezuela’s economy continues to deteriorate under the rule of its socialist president Nicolas Maduro. The collapsing economy, combined with government regulations and price controls created a food shortage so severe some have taken drastic…

Mira Ebersole | June 16, 2016

Following the Labor Department’s disappointing report that only 38,000 jobs were added in May, the Federal Reserve decided on June 15, 2016, they would not raise interest rates.

CNBC Squawk Box co-anchor Joe Kernen reacted to the…

Julia A. Seymour | February 10, 2016

The Supreme Court dealt a “major blow” to the Obama administration and the president’s climate agenda late on Feb. 9. NBC, the “Green is Universal…

Sam Dorman | February 3, 2016

Liberal propaganda ruins everything, even comic books.  

The January edition of Captain America featured a reptilian supervillain named Viper who sounded a lot like Republican presidential candidates. Viper ranted about American…