
Joseph Vazquez | September 13, 2023

The tone-deaf hacks at The New York Times treated an expected spike in inflation as a problem because … Republicans could potentially pounce on the development to criticize President Joe Biden. Yes, the leftist rag actually did that.


Joseph Vazquez | May 2, 2023

CNN apparently can’t get its talking points in order after wantonly lecturing people to “chill” with the recession talk back in February. 

CNN’s May 2 headline didn't mince words about the current precarious state of America’s…

Joseph Vazquez | May 1, 2023

The so-called ‘Biden boom’ that New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman has repeatedly foretold clearly never materialized. Now, he’s desperately trying to move the goalposts.

Krugman’s April 27 headline said it all: “Joe Biden…

Joseph Vazquez | March 9, 2023

The New York Times tried turning the screws on Republican members of Congress who are adamant about President Joe Biden agreeing to spending cuts before the debt ceiling is raised...yet again.

Times White House correspondent Jim…

Joseph Vazquez | February 27, 2023

MSNBC regular and blowhard Donny Deutsch insisted the Democrats’ laundry list of inflation-exacerbating spending initiatives throughout President Joe Biden’s time in office was just the epitome of competence.

Insufferable MSNBC Morning…

Joseph Vazquez | January 30, 2023

New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman went on a tone-deaf rant against rural Americans who are fed up with Washington, D.C. elites making their lives miserable.

Krugman’s Jan. 26 drivel, headlined “Can Anything Be Done to…

Joseph Vazquez | January 25, 2023

A New York Times editorial board member actually claimed that Americans should be concerned about their taxes being too low when thinking about the $31 trillion-plus national debt crisis. Yes, you read that correctly.


Joseph Vazquez | January 24, 2023

Have legitimate concerns about the national debt? Well, you may just be one of those GOP “economic terrorists,” according to New York Times bloviator-in-chief Paul Krugman.

Krugman’s Jan. 19 column spewed bile at GOP congressional…

Joseph Vazquez | January 10, 2023

The often wrong but never in doubt New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman is clearly neck-deep in denial about how bad the Biden economy really is. He whipped out a new catch-all to accuse so-called “election deniers” of also being “…

Joseph Vazquez | January 3, 2023

Economist Steve Moore took a blowtorch to Congress’ nutty and enormous spending bill which was passed just as the U.S. continued to reel from a crippling inflation crisis.

Moore rebuked Republicans and Democrats for abusing Americans’…

Joseph Vazquez | December 30, 2022

The past year has been a rough one for the wild hot takes of The New York Times’s phony economics savant Paul Krugman. His ridiculous record on the state of the economy under President Joe Biden makes it hard to see how he still takes himself…

Joseph Vazquez | December 19, 2022

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows completely blacked out news on a devastating Federal Reserve report that ravaged President Joe Biden’s propaganda that the economy added 1 million jobs in the second quarter.

The Philadelphia…

Joseph Vazquez | December 15, 2022

Inflation has devoured Americans’ wage gains, but President Joe Biden’s a truth-teller when he made it appear that Americans are swimming in cash, per PolitiFact’s logic.

PolitiFact praised Biden’s outrageous gaslighting on the latest…

Joseph Vazquez | December 7, 2022

Leave it to leftist rags like Fortune magazine to target older Americans to insulate President Joe Biden’s disastrous economic policies from blame for the ongoing inflation struggle.

The magazine published a condescending Nov. 30 story…

Joseph Vazquez | December 5, 2022

A piece published in a major liberal publication funded by leftist billionaire George Soros is projecting global economic disaster. 

The Soros-funded Project Syndicate released a Dec. 2 column by New York University Professor…

Joseph Vazquez | November 28, 2022

Nation of Victims (2022) author Vivek Ramaswamy didn’t pull any punches about how a centralized digital currency would catapult America into a new, scarier era of dystopian government surveillance.

The Strive Asset Management executive…

Joseph Vazquez | November 23, 2022

New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman has a knack for propping up President Joe Biden's atrocious economy at the expense of making himself look foolish.

Krugman belched up another word salad worth 846 words with a blaring…

Jeffrey Clark | November 18, 2022

As Americans brace for one of the most expensive Thanksgiving celebrations in years due to inflation, one Washington Post columnist lectured families on how to hold a “climate-friendly” feast. 

Washington Post food columnist Tamar…

Jeffrey Clark | November 14, 2022

Washington Post owner and climate hypocrite Jeff Bezos announced plans to give most of his net worth to ending climate change in a fawning interview with CNN Business. 

When asked if he planned to give his wealth away “in his…

Jeffrey Clark | November 1, 2022

Just months after the U.S. entered a technical recession, CNN Business blamed the Federal Reserve for tightening interest rates despite sky-high inflation. The liberal outlet also argued that raising interest rates is economic sabotage. …