Norah O'Donnell

Jeffrey Clark | January 26, 2022

The Dow Jones industrial average took an icy plunge of more than 1,000 points on Monday — its worst start “ever” — but ABC, NBC, and CBS chose to whitewash the shocking news and gave the story just minutes of coverage. 


Joseph Vazquez | January 10, 2022

Billionaire George Soros said he is working to “bend” the arc of history “in the right direction.” In Soros’ case, that direction is far to the left. To do it, he donated over $32 billion to his Open Society Foundations since 1984, to further…

Joseph Vazquez | January 6, 2022

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks ignored a damning story connecting “Boston Bomber” Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to President Joe Biden’s disastrous stimulus bill.

Boston 25 News reported Jan. 5 that Tsarnaev “received a $1,400 COVID relief…

Joseph Vazquez | December 2, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news networks have gone four days without covering Black Lives Matter issuing a racist call to boycott white-owned businesses.

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) plastered a Black Friday…

Joseph Vazquez | October 29, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks censored another disastrous economic report that incriminated the feckless policies of President Joe Biden. 

The Commerce Department’s new report showed that third quarter annualized GDP…

Joseph Vazquez | October 28, 2021

Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe reportedly bought ads promoting what Fox News called a “fake news” website to boost his image on social media. And the broadcast evening news shows censored it.

Fox News reported Oct. 27…

Joseph Vazquez | August 4, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news networks have ignored a new poll shattering President Joe Biden’s economic image. 

A new Morning Consult/Politico poll of 1,997 registered voters released on July 28 found that 59 percent “hold Biden…

Joseph Vazquez | July 23, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks didn’t seem to care that President Joe Biden canceled the Keystone XL while behaving like a Russian crony and approving the country’s controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline. 

CNBC reported July 21…

Joseph Vazquez | July 22, 2021

Viewers watching the ABC, CBS or NBC networks since Feb. 1 likely didn’t hear anything about a rising index indicating that Americans are worse off under President Joe Biden.

Issues & Insights released a report on the misery index, a…

Joseph Vazquez | June 16, 2021

Spiking inflation seems to be the new normal under President Joe Biden’s administration, and the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news continue to protect him from negative coverage.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported June 15 that the…

Joseph Vazquez | May 20, 2021

There’s an epidemic of abysmal job growth, gas shortages, government money everywhere and spiking inflation. But CBS appeared more upset that landlords were desperate to pay their bills in a recent broadcast.

CBS Evening News whined over…

Joseph Vazquez | May 18, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks didn’t seem to mind New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) monetizing the disastrous way he handled the pandemic in his state. 

The Associated Press (AP) reported that Monday disclosures revealed…

Joseph Vazquez | April 14, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows continued to suffer from a chronic condition of ignorance to news that could damage President Joe Biden’s agenda to hike taxes.

The Business Roundtable (BRT) released a survey April 12 headlined, “…

Joseph Vazquez | April 9, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news networks ignored yet another major economic report slapping down President Joe Biden’s ridiculous corporate tax hike plan as disastrous. 

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) released a…

Joseph Vazquez | April 6, 2021

A new economic report lambasting President Joe Biden’s multitrillion-dollar infrastructure agenda was shoved under the rug by the ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks. The Tax Foundation released a new analysis March 31 on Biden’…

Joseph Vazquez | March 16, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows have been behaving like President Joe Biden’s drones by shielding his administration from any news that could damage his image on the economy.

Bloomberg News released a story yesterday…

Joseph Vazquez | March 15, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows were so caught up in the euphoria of President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus bill that they ignored Democrats had snuck tax hikes into the legislation.

Politico released an eye-opening…

Joseph Vazquez | February 22, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows censored news on a White House-backed "dark money" group being formed to help sell President Joe Biden’s leftist agenda to the American people.

A Wall Street Journal exclusive revealed that Biden’s…

Joseph Vazquez | February 4, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts have now ignored news that makes former President Donald Trump’s economic policies look good even after he’s out of office. 

Fox Business reported that “The US economy will bounce back to its…

Joseph Vazquez | December 7, 2020

Not reporting one major stock record is bad enough. And yet, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows decided it was fine to black out news on three major stock indexes that hit new records.

The censorship of positive news in the…