Jim Jordan

Kayla Sargent | December 7, 2020

Although the presidential election was more than a month ago now, Facebook is continuing to crack down on what it has decided is misinformation about the election.

A Facebook fact-checker marked an article that Congressman Jim Jordan (R-…

Kayla Sargent | October 20, 2020

The heat has steadily risen for Big Tech over the last few years, and it appears, at least for Google, that the hot water has reached a boiling point. Google’s day of reckoning may finally be upon us. 

The Department of Justice (DOJ…

Kayla Sargent | October 15, 2020

Leading Republicans were furious following the Twitter and Facebook dumpster fire of censorship yesterday. 

Both sites censored an article from the New York Post, which claimed to expose the alleged corrupt dealings of Democratic…

Kayla Sargent | October 6, 2020

Let’s face it, 2020 has not been a banner year for most of us, and for Big Tech, things are heating up by the week. Tech companies are on the ropes between pending antitrust lawsuits, congressional investigations, and now, yet another bill that…

Alexander Hall | July 29, 2020

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) raked Big Tech over the coals, saying there’s no more denying what can be plainly seen: “Big Tech is out to get conservatives. That’s not a suspicion. That's not a hunch. That's a fact.”

Jordan slammed Amazon…

Alexander Hall | May 8, 2019

Google CEO Sundar Pichai wrote an opinion piece for The New York Times on how Google has actually been aiming to protect user privacy. “[P]rivacy is for everyone — not just for the few,” he declared. His critics are not…