
Kayla Sargent | December 18, 2020

The last few days have not exactly been full of joy and Christmas cheer for Google. 

One coalition of 38 states and territories and a separate coalition of 10 states have piled on in filing antitrust lawsuits against Google. The…

Michael Morris | December 18, 2020

The man who coined the term “Intellectual Dark Web” suggested that if the United States is willing to put up with institutional tyranny, “[t]hen maybe we deserve Chinese Communism.”

Eric Weinstein opined that the United States might just…

Craig Bannister | December 11, 2020

“This show will make news. I challenge YouTube to take this show off your site, off your platform,” iconic civil rights lawyer and Constitutional Scholar Alan Dershowitz said in the latest episode of The Dershow on his YouTube channel.…

Kayla Sargent | December 10, 2020

Google has finally decided to lift its ban on political ads, just in time for the Georgia runoff elections. 

The search engine paused new political ads since Election Day for fear of misinformation, but it has now apparently decided…

Alexander Hall | November 24, 2020

Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked a huge question: Did Big Tech fix the election? He turned to liberal Google critic Dr. Robert Epstein who claimed at one point Google only sent out election reminders to liberals.

Carlson opened the…

Kayla Sargent | November 19, 2020

The Department of Justice just got an early Christmas present in its antitrust case against Google.

The judge of the antitrust case is “eager” to move forward with the case, and has already set two preliminary hearings, according to The…

Kayla Sargent | November 19, 2020

The Department of Justice filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google in October, and it appears as though Facebook may be the next Big Tech company to face judgement day.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and several state attorneys…

Kayla Sargent | November 12, 2020

The left has long ignored conservatives’ complaints about Big Tech censorship: but now Democrats are whining that the shoe is on the other foot.

Facebook and Google have not lifted their respective bans on political ads, and likely won’t…

Kayla Sargent | November 10, 2020

Leftists generally ignore the problem of Big Tech Censorship: until they are affected by it. 

Facebook and Google have not lifted their bans on political ads, which is proving to be a headache for them in the Georgia runoff senate…

Craig Bannister | November 6, 2020

Three Republican senators have written to Google CEO Sundar Pichai calling on him to reconcile Pichai’s claim that "Google does not modify any products, including Search, to promote a particular political viewpoint” with a new study finding that…

Alec Schemmel | November 3, 2020

YouTube has removed a video of radical leftist organizers planning to confront public officials, vandalize government buildings and surround the White House if the election does not turn out the way they want.

Several activist groups,…

Kayla Sargent | October 29, 2020

As if we needed any more proof of Google’s leftist leanings, it has now been revealed that a Google staffer is the anonymous author of an anti-Trump New York Times opinion piece and book, A Warning. 

Miles Taylor, a former Department…

Kayla Sargent | October 28, 2020

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) accused Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey of making a "false" statement "under oath" at a hearing on Big Tech censorship. The senator complained that Dorsey said the bombshell “@nypost story alleging Biden’s CCP corruption” could be…

Alexander Hall | October 28, 2020

In a hearing about Big Tech censorship, one Democrat called for more censorship against opinions and information he dislikes.

Democrat Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) condemned Trump’s “propaganda parrots” on Fox News and his fellow…

Corinne Weaver, Heather Moon | October 28, 2020

Big Tech’s major changes seem to have been made with a Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden presidency in mind. Four major firms have made a grand total of 26 policy changes since the start of 2020, aimed explicitly at election-related content.…

Kayla Sargent | October 27, 2020

Three Big Tech CEOs are headed to the Senate to testify tomorrow October 28 in the midst of the worst example of online censorship this election. Republican senators are ready for a fight. 

The hearing has gained attention following…

Kayla Sargent | October 26, 2020

The presidential campaigns have entered the final stretch, and the future of Section 230, antitrust and Big Tech remains uncertain.

A win by democratic nominee Joe Biden could potentially “kill” the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) antitrust…

Joseph Vazquez | October 26, 2020

If the liberal media’s relative silence towards Facebook and Google’s Orwellian behavior this electoral cycle seemed deafening, perhaps it's because many outlets have received big loads of cash from them.

A Washington Monthly…

Joseph Vazquez | October 22, 2020

The Big Tech moguls are sparing no expense in their attempt to destroy President Donald Trump’s re-election bid and help Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden claim the White House.

Democratic Super PAC Future Forward, “backed by some…

Kayla Sargent | October 21, 2020

The Department of Justice (DOJ) filed its antitrust lawsuit against Google yesterday, and Google released its response. Spoiler: the company is not happy. 

Google released a statement October 20 expressing outrage at the lawsuit,…