
Jeffrey Clark | September 23, 2022

A New York Times opinion columnist exploited child poverty in order to advance the virtues of a nutty leftist policy goal: “universal basic income.” 

Times opinion columnist Farhad Manjoo called President Joe Biden’s expanded “Child…

Jeffrey Clark | September 22, 2022

A group funded by George Soros with nearly $1.4 million is behind a legal effort to punish Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for shipping migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.

Immigration activists sued the Florida governor just days after…

Jeffrey Clark | September 21, 2022

AT&T CEO John Stankey sounded the alarm bells on the economy, telling a finance reporter that the U.S. is potentially entering a “stagflation environment” as high inflation and rising food prices continue to squeeze American households.…

Joseph Vazquez | September 21, 2022

Fortune magazine ran one of the dumbest liberal takes on inflation yet. Its propaganda piece even puts fraudulent economists like Paul Krugman to shame. 

The liberal magazine had the audacity to publish a tone-deaf inflation story…

Joseph Vazquez | September 20, 2022

PolitiFact had the audacity to argue like President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist policies didn't really have anything to do with America’s energy inflation crisis, continuing to prove why its worthless so-called “fact-checks” belong in the trash bin…

Jeffrey Clark | September 20, 2022

The leftist activists at The Rockefeller Foundation will bankroll NPR’s reporting on climate change, according to a recent press release. The Rockefeller Foundation is notoriously pro-abortion, pro-population control and anti-Israel. 

Jeffrey Clark | September 19, 2022

The Washington Post Editorial Board tried to freak Americans out by claiming that some communities “will have to be abandoned” completely because it would cost too much money to save them from climate change. 

“There are few easy…

Joseph Vazquez | September 16, 2022

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo has had it with President Joe Biden’s administration for spending trillions like it’s going out of style while the nation reels from an inflation crisis.

Bartiromo smacked the Biden White House for its…

Joseph Vazquez | September 14, 2022

Why did CNBC’s Jim Cramer think it was a good idea to sycophantically praise the Federal Reserve’s inflation-reduction measures the day before the release of an awful inflation report?

Cramer hoodwinked viewers during the Sept. 12…

Jeffrey Clark | September 13, 2022

The NBC, CBS and ABC morning news shows largely ignored a devastating report showing that inflation rose again in August. The report looms ahead of President Joe Biden’s scheduled remarks today, where he will likely tout his so-called “Inflation…

Jeffrey Clark | September 12, 2022

Johns Hopkins University economics professor Steve Hanke decimated the Federal Reserve’s sordid record of excusing the inflation crisis on “everything” but its own disastrous policies. 

Hanke called out Fed Chairman Jerome Powell for…

Jeffrey Clark | September 9, 2022

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt told Fox Business that he uncovered a “vast censorship enterprise” by the White House, referencing a landmark lawsuit he filed that hinged on MRC Free Speech America research.

“At least forty-five…

Jeffrey Clark | September 8, 2022

Notorious liberal billionaires George Soros and eBay founder Pierre Omidyar are backing a multimillion-dollar fund to reach Latino voters ahead of November’s midterm elections, according to a recent Newsweek report.

The left seems to be…

Joseph Vazquez | September 8, 2022

New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman apparently tried to strong-arm struggling American workers into believing that they have been ignorant of an ongoing “Biden Boom.”

Krugman’s latest op-ed of pro-Biden drivel didn’t make much…

Jeffrey Clark | September 7, 2022

Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr fired the latest salvo in the culture war against the leftist environmental, social and governance movement that has taken hold of America’s largest investment firms. 

ESG policies are “…

Jeffrey Clark | September 6, 2022

Politico owner and billionaire Mathias Döpfnerb reportedly told The Washington Post that he supports “nonpartisan” journalism, despite multiple attacks on former President Donald Trump in just the last few years. 


Joseph Vazquez | September 6, 2022

The left-wing PolitiFact hacks worked overtime to gaslight Americans on the deleterious effects of President Joe Biden’s student debt forgiveness scam. 

PolitiFact took a swipe at multiple criticisms of Biden’s irresponsible student…

Jeffrey Clark | September 2, 2022

A Bloomberg Opinion columnist babbled that President Joe Biden’s economy is the best since Bill Clinton’s. That’s despite rampant inflation and credit card debt, and the fact that many families are struggling to pay everyday bills.

Jeffrey Clark | September 1, 2022

CNBC exploited African-American students as political leverage to argue that President Joe Biden’s scheme to cancel $10,000 in student debt isn’t enough, and that taxpayers should cover more.

The outlet claimed that “$10,000 isn’t enough…

Jeffrey Clark | August 31, 2022

CNBC prophesied global destruction as a result of “human-caused climate change,” based on a study published by a liberal science journal. The journal, of course, omitted any mention of a human impact on climate. 

“A massive ice sheet…