
Julia A. Seymour | December 20, 2017

For the first time in its 121-year history, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained more than 5,000 points in a single year, according to CNBC.

The major stock index set that record Dec. 18, following a 140-point rally and a new record…

Julia A. Seymour | December 19, 2017

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders asked on Twitter Dec. 17, “Which is the more underreported story of @Potus Year One? -Defeat of ISIS -Booming Trump economy.”

Her complaint about the economy was certainly correct. In…

Julia A. Seymour, Aly Nielsen | December 18, 2017

Liberal media bias has existed for years, but in 2017, it appeared to reach unprecedented levels given the media’s hostility to President Donald Trump.

The media distorted many stories in 2017, in many different ways. They ranged…

Julia A. Seymour | December 7, 2017

ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir may have clinched the most viewers, but it spent the least amount of time on the nation’s 1.7 million job gains when compared to rivals on CBS and NBC.

In September, Muir’s…

Aly Nielsen | December 4, 2017

While liberals made many different objections to the GOP’s latest tax reform plan, one former Obama and Clinton administration economist claims the plan will literally kill.

Former Barack Obama White House economic advisor Economist…

Julia A. Seymour | November 30, 2017

The U.S. economy grew at a 3.3 percent rate in the third quarter, according to the latest estimate from the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released Nov. 29.

Guess how much time ABC, CBS and NBC evening news…

Aly Nielsen | November 6, 2017

The U.S. unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level in seventeen years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ October jobs report.

The report also showed 261,000 jobs added, but ABC didn’t bother covering the good…

Julia A. Seymour | October 31, 2017

The U.S. economy maintained strong growth according to the latest government estimates in the latest example of good economic news.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis announced on Oct. 27, that the first estimate of third quarter growth was…

Julia A. Seymour | October 19, 2017

The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged to more new records on Oct. 17 and 18, crossing 23,000 points for the first time during a trading day then closing above 23K for the very first time the next day.

But broadcast networks minimized…

Julia A. Seymour | October 4, 2017

The liberal media pounced immediately on the release of President Donald Trump’s outline for tax reform calling it “one big lie,” complaining about tax “cuts for the wealthy,” and saying the plan “stinks.…

Julia A. Seymour | September 28, 2017

Target announced it will raise its starting wage for employees to $11 an hour by October, to better compete for holiday workers. But Fight for $15 activists are trying to claim it as a victory of their own.

The retail giant also said that…

Julia A. Seymour | September 20, 2017

The liberal media went above and beyond to denigrate President Donald Trump’s Sept. 19, speech to the United Nations General Assembly.

One Newsweek headline proclaimed, “Trump Was Laughed At By World Leaders For Dissing…

Julia A. Seymour | September 19, 2017

Business and technology magazine Fast Company may have pulled a fast one over any readers unwilling to whip out a calculator when thinking about the Universal Basic Income (UBI).

A universal basic income is when a government provides a…

Julia A. Seymour | August 31, 2017

The government estimated that the U.S. grew at an annual rate of 3 percent in the second quarter. That was significantly higher than the 2.7 percent expected.

The good economic news was heralded as “impressive,” a “…

Julia A. Seymour | August 2, 2017

The stock markets rose dramatically since President Donald Trump was elected. Just since his inauguration, the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed more than 10 percent and set 31 new closing record highs.

The 30th record was set on July…

Aly Nielsen | July 24, 2017

The White House declared the week of July 16, “Made in America” week to celebrate U.S. manufacturing -- a continuance of President Donald Trump’s “America First” campaign focus. But ABC, CBS and NBC evening news…

Julia A. Seymour | July 21, 2017

The Dow Jones Industrial Average set its 26th record high of the year on July 19, prompting Fox Business anchor Stuart Varney to check in on the “Trump rally” and how much it boosted American wealth.

The rally began after…

Julia A. Seymour | June 14, 2017

President Donald Trump declared he would bring coal jobs back to the U.S. — first on the campaign trail and then after he was elected. Network news media reacted with a mix of skepticism and criticism.

ABC and NBC evening news…

Julia A. Seymour | May 24, 2017

Late Show host Stephen Colbert doesn’t hide his disdain for President Donald Trump. He celebrates it.

Even the backlash over Colbert’s recent gay…

Julia A. Seymour | May 23, 2017

The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped sharply on May 17. The broadcasts networks all reported it that night, attributing the drop to accusations of potential wrongdoing by…