
Julia A. Seymour | June 4, 2018

The “booming jobs market” got very different treatment from each of the three broadcast networks as unemployment dropped to 3.8 percent.

While ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows all reported the “stronger than expected…

Julia A. Seymour | May 31, 2018

ABC, CBS and NBC are consistent.

Consistently willing to ignore economic news, that is.

On May 30, the government released the latest estimate of how fast the economy grew in the first quarter. The 2.2 percent growth was just shy…

Paul Wilson | May 24, 2018

Jeff Bezos, owner of the left-wing Washington Post, is continuing his quest to expand his political influence. The Bezos-owned Amazon Studios is partnering with liberal celebrities to explain economics.

The Hollywood Reporter reported…

Julia A. Seymour | May 23, 2018

Knowing what CEOs make compared to their workers isn’t enough for the left, they also want to regulate it.

One of the leaders of the class warfare left is deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee and congressman Keith…

Julia A. Seymour | May 22, 2018

California is king when it comes to environmental regulations, but the latest decision to mandate solar panels comes at a high price. For homeowners.

Those costs of freedom of choice and almost $10,000 higher construction expenses per…

Paul Wilson | May 11, 2018

In spite of recent media attempts to speculate about when the economy might experience another downturn, a recent survey of global businessmen found a majority anticipate the U.S. economy to remain strong over the the next three years.

Julia A. Seymour | May 10, 2018

The media are treating the economy like a good-news/bad-news story. The good news is the economy is going well and unemployment is down to just 3.9 percent — the best since 2000. The bad news is ABC, CBS and NBC evening news programs don…

Julia A. Seymour | May 7, 2018

The force might have been with ABC on May 4, but interest in the U.S. labor market certainly wasn’t.

That night World News Tonight with David Muir spent a meager 15 seconds announcing the April jobs report which showed the lowest…

Paul Wilson | May 4, 2018

It isn’t exactly news that The Washington Post often attacks the Trump administration and downplays good news regarding its policies. This is the same Jeff Bezos-owned publication where an editor praised Michelle Wolf’s White House…

Julia A. Seymour | May 4, 2018

The unemployment rate dropped below 4 percent for the first time since 2000, prompting analysts to call it a “wow” number. It also provoked a surprising election analysis from MSNBC Morning Joe contributor Donny Deutsch on May 4.…

Julia A. Seymour | May 3, 2018

Protests by workers and activists and, in some cases, violence by anarchists marked the far-left holiday May Day this year.

But most American news consumers would not have known that some London demonstrators carried communist flags and…

Julia A. Seymour | April 30, 2018

Superheroes, the naming of a new royal and an adorable child umpire were all more important to ABC, CBS and NBC news than the latest U.S. economic data.

The Commerce Department announced a better-than-expected estimate of GDP — 2.3…

Julia A. Seymour | April 27, 2018

On-air editor Rick Santelli announced the first quarter gross domestic product (GDP) estimate for CNBC’s Squawk Box on April 27.

“Holy cow! Better than expected up 2.3 percent. You know many were thinking, and there’s a…

Julia A. Seymour | April 27, 2018

CNBC’s on-air editor Rick Santelli reacted to the April consumer confidence numbers positively, but the same night ABC, CBS and NBC evening news programs all ignored the latest update of consumer attitudes toward the economy, as did their…

Julia A. Seymour | April 23, 2018

The Federal Reserve and the Conference Board both issued positive progress reports about the U.S. economy last week. Neither got a peep from the broadcast networks on those days.

In fact, on April 18 and 19, the evening news…

Julia A. Seymour | April 19, 2018

The GOP-passed tax legislation passed in late 2017, remains a centerpiece of the 2018 mid-term elections. One side will be praising it, the other attacking it. USA Today only seems to care about who backs one side of that battle.

Paul Wilson | April 19, 2018

Celebrity promotion of liberal views are predictable as death and taxes. But these days the media also take these opinions seriously, trying to turn absurdities into news.

The latest example was the media frenzy over a Tweet from Sen.…

Julia A. Seymour | April 17, 2018

Robert Johnson, the founder of BET television and America’s first black billionaire, had some positive things to say about the economy in April, but most liberal media failed to notice. The one national paper to cover it delayed including…

Julia A. Seymour | April 11, 2018

You’ve probably heard already. April 10, was “Equal Pay Day,” a symbolic day media, politicians and celebrities use each year to complain about gender-based pay discrimination — by abusing a statistic that does not…

Julia A. Seymour | April 10, 2018

A fuzzy animal, faulty directions and famous murderers all outranked the latest jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS announced on April 6, that the U.S. added 103,000 jobs in March and unemployment remained low.…