Donald Trump

Gabriela Pariseau | November 1, 2022

Federal Communications Commission commissioner Brendan Carr said that the U.S. government should ban TikTok, according to Axios.

“I don’t believe there is a path forward for anything other than a ban," Carr told Axios. According to the…

Catherine Salgado | November 1, 2022

TIME hid key facts and twisted others in a story that scare-mongered about former President Donald Trump’s potential return to Twitter.

After Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, many have expressed the hope Trump will return to…

Autumn Johnson | October 15, 2022

Google will now allow the Truth Social App on its Google Play store after previously banning it.

Truth Social is the social media platform created by former President Donald Trump to rival Twitter. 

Axios reported Wednesday…

Joseph Vazquez | September 23, 2022

The Washington Post found a so-called “whistleblower” connected to liberal billionaire George Soros to stoke hysteria about how former President Donald Trump’s Twitter account threatened the planet.

In a so-called “exclusive,” The Post…

Catherine Salgado | September 23, 2022

Facebook’s ban of former President Donald Trump may be lifted in January 2023, a company executive suggested in an interview.

Facebook Global Affairs President Nick Clegg told startup news company Semafor during a Sept. 22 event that…

Brian Bradley | September 20, 2022

Political motivations drove Facebook’s reported spying on users’ private messages in the lead-up to the 2020 election, Brownstone Institute founder and President Jeffrey Tucker told MRC Free Speech America Thursday.

“The collaboration…

Catherine Salgado | September 6, 2022

“They basically outsourced the tyranny.” co-founder Dave Rubin made that statement Saturday night on the Fox News Channel about recent government actions to coordinate with Big Tech on censorship. 

Catherine Salgado | September 1, 2022

Former President Donald Trump slammed the collusion by the FBI and Facebook to censor election-related content in the lead-up to the 2020 election. Trump accused the FBI of specifically targeting the Hunter Biden laptop scandal in two Truth…

Gabriela Pariseau | August 30, 2022

Google is barring Truth Social from the Google Play Store, meaning a reported 44 percent of Americans can’t access the pro-free speech application.

“Google is canceling conservatives ahead of an election. They’re not even hiding their…

Autumn Johnson | August 23, 2022

On Tuesday, the Donald Trump-backed site Truth Social made a big splash when they announced that they will Rumble’s first publisher.

The video streaming platform released a statement detailing the partnership as the first of its kind…

Catherine Salgado | August 18, 2022

Tech outlet WIRED complained that Google’s search results need improvement—through more censorship!

WIRED whined in an August 16 piece that content on Google, just like on social media platforms, can create an “information trap.”…

Paiten Iselin | August 17, 2022

They’re at it again! Two of the leading platforms responsible for censoring the bombshell New York Post Hunter Biden scandal stories before the 2020 presidential election are gearing up to censor free speech to combat so-called “misinformation”…

Catherine Salgado | August 16, 2022

Shielding the FBI? Twitter restricted the link to a PJ Media article questioning the FBI’s motives for raiding former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida.

Bestselling author and PJ Media columnist Matt Margolis wrote an…

A former CIA director and NewsGuard advisor yesterday seemingly promoted the execution of former President Donald Trump on Twitter.

A Washington Post “exclusive” released Aug. 11 speculated that the FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago…

Catherine Salgado | August 11, 2022

The leftist UK government-funded BBC is hopping aboard the Orwellian disinformation apparatus trend that’s been popping up in the U.S. and around the world.

BBC reporter Marianna Spring announced with glee in a tweet that she was promoted…

Paiten Iselin | August 11, 2022

New York Post columnist, author, investigative journalist and Hoover Institution media fellow Paul Sperry said Twitter suspended his account after he condemned the FBI raid of Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago, Fla.

“This is outrageous…

Autumn Johnson | August 6, 2022

A federal court judge denied YouTube’s motion to dismiss former President Donald Trump’s lawsuit against the platform.

Reclaim The Net reported that the court denied Trump’s motion for a preliminary injunction on Wednesday but granted…

Joseph Vazquez | July 27, 2022

The New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman went from admitting he completely botched his “transitory” inflation calls to gaslighting readers over the possibility of a recession.

Krugman took to Twitter to promote his new column…

Joseph Vazquez | July 15, 2022

Twitter exploited the death of Ivana Trump, allowing users to take a disgusting potshot at her ex-husband.

Following news about the death of former President Donald Trump’s ex-wife, an “In memoriam” item trended on the platform: “Ivana…

Jeffrey Clark | June 29, 2022

The radical liberal billionaire who became infamous for backing a group that “spread disinformation during the 2017 Alabama special election for U.S. Senate” is throwing money behind so-called “mainstream” Democrats in an attempt to prevent…