
Joseph Vazquez | August 5, 2020

Liberal business outlets elevating Chinese state media’s attack on the U.S. over the data-harvesting Chinese app TikTok is a disgusting example of their anti-American bent.

CNBC and Bloomberg News both ran stories giving a platform to…

Joseph Vazquez | June 29, 2020

As corporate America continues to pander to violent left-wing mobs, Fox Business’s Charles Payne expressed major concern about what this trend could mean for conservatives in the workplace.

The Making Money with Charles Payne…

Joseph Vazquez | June 15, 2020

Leftist publication The Nation doesn’t shy away from advocating for a violent idea that sounds like it would come straight from the revolutionary insanity of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

The Nation teased its radical piece…

Joseph Vazquez | April 14, 2020

Bloomberg News shut down an investigation into Chinese Communist Party elites, fired the reporter on the beat and then targeted that reporter’s wife to keep her mouth shut, according to a new NPR report.

The Bloomberg reporters…

Sam Dorman | December 23, 2016

While appearing on Fox Business’ Risk & Reward, MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor mocked the media’s laughable inaccuracy in predicting a Hillary Clinton “landslide.”

Gainor responded to a…

Sam Dorman | May 18, 2016

CNBC anchor Joe Kernen on Tuesday tore into the prospect of a socialist president, and knocked young people who he said had a warped view of Bernie Sanders.

Kernen’s comments came in response to a report by political correspondent…

Sam Dorman | May 13, 2016

CNBC anchors Joe Kernen and Michelle Caruso Cabrera poked fun at socialism, saying it equalized results, but made everything worse.

Cabrera said on Squawk Box May 12, that socialism brought about “equal suffering,” while…