
Kayla Sargent | January 8, 2021

Twitter doesn’t hold foreign government accounts to the same standard as President Donald Trump, but the platform has reached a new low. 

Twitter patted itself on the back after suspending Trump for 12 hours for posting a video in…

Kayla Sargent | January 8, 2021

The left is absolutely desperate for Twitter to ban President Donald Trump.

At least 120 leftists on Twitter have called for Trump to be permanently removed from the platform following the Jan. 6 unrest at the U.S. Capitol Building. The…

Joseph Vazquez | January 8, 2021

Rule of thumb: Always be skeptical of a company that tries to act woke, especially when CNN blowhard Brian Stelter is pushing it.

Publishing company Simon & Schuster tried to do just that by canceling publication of Missouri…

Kayla Sargent | January 6, 2021

The left’s hatred of President Donald Trump truly knows no bounds. 

Recode co-founder and New York Times contributor Kara Swisher is rejoicing in her assumption that Trump will be removed from Twitter. 

She can see it…

Kayla Sargent | January 5, 2021

Big Tech has been on a rampage against what it considers to be misinformation about COVID-19. But a trusted source like a medical journal should be safe, right? Wrong. 

Twitter has flagged the link to a study from the European…

Kayla Sargent | January 5, 2021

Once again, one of Facebook’s fact-checkers has failed to acknowledge the facts — this time surrounding the origins of COVID-19. 

Now, even a leftist source has begun to concede that COVID-19 may have originated in a lab in Wuhan,…

Heather Moon | January 4, 2021

Online platforms got to use their favorite tool in 2020 before and even after the election: censorship.

During one of several Senate hearings into Big Tech bias this year, even the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter could not name a single high…

Kayla Sargent | January 4, 2021

A proposed House of Representatives rule may take the idea of censoring so-called “misinformation” even further.

The resolution containing the proposed rules of the 117th Congress could impose penalties for members of Congress and…

Alec Schemmel | December 29, 2020

Google has secured a tight grip around the research done by its staff, according to internal communications and other information obtained by Reuters.

A new “sensitive topics” review procedure has, in at least three cases, “requested…

Kayla Sargent | December 28, 2020

Facebook tries to please everybody but can’t please anybody. 

Both left and right disagree on the issues of censorship on the platform and the Facebook Oversight Board, but many do agree on one thing: that Facebook should be broken…

Kayla Sargent | December 28, 2020

Big Tech has been trying to get on the good side of former Vice President Joe Biden for months, and now, Amazon is trying its best to cozy up to the prospective Biden administration.

The online shopping giant has hired new lobbyist Jeff…

Kayla Sargent | December 22, 2020

Former Vice President Joe Biden will reportedly have a long way to go to build up his Twitter presence, assuming, as currently projected, he takes over as president in January.

Twitter has reportedly told the Biden team that the official…

Kayla Sargent | December 22, 2020

It often feels as though Big Tech overlords are constantly censoring content they disagree with, leaving users scratching their heads as to why they were censored. But one nation is looking to change the way Big Tech can censor speech.

Kayla Sargent | December 22, 2020

So-called “fact”-checking websites often jump at any chance they get to attempt to prove President Donald Trump wrong. But they aren’t so eager to fact-check themselves.

Reuters fact-checked a Nov. 19 tweet from President Donald Trump but…

Kayla Sargent | December 21, 2020

Good things come to those who wait, but it looks like Americans will be waiting a long time before the Department of Justice’s antitrust case against Google goes to court.

The judge in the Department of Justice’s case against Google has…

Kayla Sargent | December 21, 2020

Twitter has joined the brigade against what Big Tech considers “misleading” information on the COVID-19 vaccines.

Beginning next year, Twitter said that it has plans to tackle what it deems to be “misleading” information about the COVID-…

Kayla Sargent | December 18, 2020

The last few days have not exactly been full of joy and Christmas cheer for Google. 

One coalition of 38 states and territories and a separate coalition of 10 states have piled on in filing antitrust lawsuits against Google. The…

Michael Morris | December 18, 2020

The man who coined the term “Intellectual Dark Web” suggested that if the United States is willing to put up with institutional tyranny, “[t]hen maybe we deserve Chinese Communism.”

Eric Weinstein opined that the United States might just…

Kayla Sargent | December 17, 2020

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has had enough of Big Tech censorship, and he is not afraid to say so. 

“There’s two threats to conservatism: mass mail-in voting unverified and social media companies unregulated, unable to be sued when…

Kayla Sargent | December 17, 2020

It’s a Christmas miracle. In a stunning turn of events, Facebook has actually lifted one of its methods of censorship that it used during and after the election. Now that the left is sure it won.

The social media platform is reportedly no…